Economic Emergency Decree Safeguards Venezuela’s Social Rights

January 15, 2016

The Economic Emergency Decree –approved by President Nicolas Maduro– is aimed to protect the health, housing, education and food rights of all Venezuelans and thereby ensure its progress amid an oil price slump, which is aggravated by the speculative wave of inflation led by business sectors linked to right-wing political parties.

The decree states that the goal is “to protect the people on the basis of existing threats.”

The measures to be taken by the Government “must be of a high magnitude and impact on the national economy, without affecting the rights to health, food, education, work, and all those gained for Venezuelans by the Bolivarian Revolution through class struggle that imposed the will of the people over the interests of the bourgeoisie,” says the preamble to the decree that was read Friday by Vice President for Economic Area, Luis Salas in the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas.

In his first article, the decree provides that the National Government, within the powers granted by the Bolivarian Constitution can take “appropriate measures to effectively address the unique and extraordinary economic situation the Venezuelan state is currently facing.”

It also establishes, beyond any particular interest, the full enjoyment of the Venezuelan people “of their rights and free access to basic goods and services and also mitigates the effects of induced inflation, speculation, fictitious value of currency, sabotage to distribution systems for goods and services.”

Furthermore, the decree seeks to “counteract the consequences of the war in oil prices, which has broken through the heat of the volatile international geopolitical situation, creating a serious economic crisis.” 

Source: Venezuela News Agency