Hundreds of Thousands March in Argentina to Remember the 30,000 Disappeared While Rejecting Obama’s Visit and Macri’s Right Wing Government.

By Carlos Aznarez on March 24, 2016

Photo: Kaloian Santos Cabrera

Photo: Kaloian Santos Cabrera

There are days when the people of Argentina get up and start moving to demand justice and today was one of those days.

This was a day that transcended beyond our petty differences as we all agreed to march together against the interventionism of the Obama Administration; the primary organizer of genocide in the Middle East.

Those of us in the streets today demonstrated that we don’t believe in his false smile and sympathetic gestures. We don’t believe Obama because he is one of the main gears of a policy that starves people around the world and suppresses their opposition to it.

And to make matters worse, this unwelcomed visitor is a great friend of the rightist president Mauricio Macri, who has fired thousands of workers and has generated economic proposals linked to the wildest dreams of the capitalists – all done in his short time in power.

These are days that we embrace the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, HIJOS (sons and daughters of the disappeared) and the families of our 30 thousand brothers and sisters who we have not forgotten. United we were in the streets of the capital screaming that we have not been defeated and that we have not forgotten nor have we forgiven those responsible for their deaths.

Today, March 24, hundreds of thousands of us flooded the streets and the Plaza de Mayo with shouts and slogans that make it clear to those who govern in the Pink House that we will not give them a break and that we will continue to fight for our rights that are today being so blatantly violated.

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano