Mainstream Fascism

By Adalberto Santana on May 4, 2024

The rejection of the genocidal policies of the Government of Israel and of the Prime Minister of that country, Benjamin Netanyahu, is growing more and more in the world. The involvement of the U.S. Government in supporting the Israeli war policy, which is clearly expressed in the sense of an ideology that represents world Zionism, is also becoming more and more evident. If one prefers, this Zionist policy is tantamount to 21st century fascism. That is to say, it is the political-ideological manifestation of the hegemonic groups with a clear ultra-right position inside Israel and in the great Western powers that identify themselves with putting into practice a militant racism, an increasingly irrational xenophobia and, therefore, prone to the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Mainstream Fascism

This situation shows us the scenario of the development of the imperialist war against the Palestinian people and especially for the annihilation of the population of the Gaza Strip. This militaristic escalation has also led to a reaction on the part of various social and cultural groups, as well as governments in various parts of the world.

Thus, for example, the U.S. student movement has emerged within the empire as a barrier to the war policies of the Democratic Administration of Joe Biden, who is the main warmongering backer of the Zionist government of Israel. Recall that more than ten of the top White House secretaries are identified as pro-Zionists (i.e., Khazarian Jews).

Zionists of Israel who go for the conquest and colonization of Palestinian lands and the Zionist actors who have migrated to Israel from various parts of the world (Khazars), who are not of Semitic origin. Hence the strategy of Israeli Zionism headed by Netanyahu, of Lithuanian-Polish descent, who has been an outstanding military and militant of the New Zionist Organization. Today he is the main leader of the ultra-right Likud party, which is currently in power. In its political-military strategy, that current of Zionism is placed as its enemy to defeat the Palestinian people, hence its war of extermination, headed by Netanyahu, which has generated more than 34,000 dead, mainly children and women, in the bombing of Gaza and about 500 Palestinians in the West Bank in the seven months in which the current Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people has been prolonged.

Crimes against humanity that due to the degree of violations of international law have generated an enormous injury to humanity, in this case to an ethnic-cultural group such as the Palestinians. Such is the bet of Israeli Zionism that Netanyahu, referring to his so-called military offensive against Hamas, has stated: “The idea that we are going to stop the war before achieving all the objectives is out of the question”. He added: “We will enter Rafah and eliminate the Hamas battalions with or without a truce agreement in order to achieve total victory”.

However we must  consider that a movement has emerged around the world to stop the Zionist war against the Palestinian people, which is not an anti-Semitic policy as Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden himself have tried to justify. The student protests in American universities are even made up of various segments of the Jewish communities in the U.S. and politicians and intellectuals of great prestige, such as Bernie Sanders, who has written in The New York Times: “In response, Israel, under the leadership of its right-wing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces a corruption indictment and whose Cabinet includes unquestionable racists, unleashed what amounts to an all-out war against the Palestinian people”.

But also in our America, the indignation against this war of Israeli Zionism, for example, has led the Sandinista Government of Nicaragua to demand in the International Court of Justice that the German Government suspend the shipment of arms to Israel, although the judges of said Court have refused to give course to the Nicaraguan demand. Likewise, the Government of Colombia, headed by President Gustavo Petro, in a large mass rally held on May 1st in the Plaza Bolivar in the city of Bogota, announced the severance of relations with the Zionist government of Israel. In the same act, the president expressed: “If Palestine dies, humanity dies”. In a similar vein with the Palestinian cause and demanding a stop to Netanyahu’s genocidal war, various social, student and political movements as well as governments in Latin America and the world such as Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, Honduras and Chile, among others, have expressed their support for the Palestinian cause.

Undoubtedly, today the defense of the people of Palestine is a central demand in the struggle for world peace. However, the warlike expression of Israel’s Zionist policy is also the expression of a new world right wing that is increasingly emerging with a racist, xenophobic and neo-fascist discourse. Such as Donald Trump, who promised that if he reached the White House he would build detention (concentration) camps in the U.S. for undocumented migrants and use the National Guard to deport millions of undocumented migrants.

Or like the regressive policies of the Argentinean president, Javier Milei, who intends the privatization of almost the entire economy of the South American country and who ideologically, along with his right-wingism, has converted to Zionist Judaism. The same steps that Daniel Noboa continues to take in Ecuador in the persecution of the leaders of Correism, such as the Vice President Jorge Glas, which led that president to order the invasion of the Mexican Embassy in Quito, breaking and altering diplomatic relations and generating a serious precedent in international relations. In other words, the ultra-right in our America and the world is taking off its democratic facade and is showing the face of an ordinary fascism.

Source: telesur, translation Resumen Latinoamericano – English

Adalberto Santana is a Latin American researcher  at UNAM living and working in Mexico