Colombia: Father of Vice-President Francia Marquez Escapes Unharmed after Attack

By: Javier Dueñas 0n June 16, 2024.

Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez

Men on motorcycles shot at the car in which Sigifredo Márquez Trujillo, father of Francia Márquez, was traveling in Valle del Cauca today.The Presidency of Colombia strongly condemned an attack perpetrated on Sunday afternoon against Sigifredo Márquez Trujillo, father of Vice President Francia Márquez, which occurred in the department of Valle del Cauca.

Marquez Trujillo was traveling in a vehicle of the National Protection Unit (UNP) in the village of Robles, rural area of the municipality of Jamundi, when the car was hit four times. According to local media, the father of the Minister of Equality and other occupants of the car escaped unharmed from the attack.

Through X, President Gustavo Petro stated: “An embrace of solidarity for the vice-president for the attack against her father. I ask the authorities to initiate the pertinent investigations”.

Also through this social network, Francia Márquez said that she is hurt by the attack ocurring just in the celebration of Father’s Day. She confirmed that her father was accompanied by a six-year-old nephew and two escorts, all of whom were unharmed. He also asked for the attack to be investigated and for urgent measures to be taken to strengthen security in the area.

According to witnesses, the perpetrators of the attack were men on motorcycles who harassed the car near Timba, in Buenos Aires, which caused the driver and the escorts to divert the vehicle towards Robles to take refuge in a police substation.

Subsequently, Marquez Trujillo was evacuated to the city of Cali aboard military helicopters. Members of the Special Forces arrived in the region to support the military in operations against criminal groups operating in the area.

The event was also condemned by the director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre), Laura Sarabia: “How sad that today, on Father’s Day, the vice-president receives the news of an attack against her father. Violence cannot continue to take away the happiness of Colombian families. A hug for her and all her family,” she said.

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – Buenos Aires