Denounciation by the Brazil Chapter of the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity

June 25, 2024

Dr. Muslim M. A Abumar

The Brazil Chapter of the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity protests with indignation at the events that took place on June 21 at the International Airport of Guarulhos, in Sao Paulo, against a Palestinian citizen and his family.

Dr. Muslim M. A Abumar, director of the Asian Center for Research and Dialogue, his seven-month pregnant wife, his six-year-old son and his 69-year-old mother-in-law, all of them with identity documents and legally arrived in Brazil, were illegally prevented from entering Brazilian territory to visit his brother, who lives here and is a naturalized Brazilian citizen. This is not the first time that Muslim and his family has visited his brother here.

There is no possible explanation for the actions of the Federal Police in this case. Even less understandable is the question allegedly asked to Muslim by the airport authorities: “Do you support the resistance? What kind of question, completely alien to Brazilian tradition, is the agent’s behavior based on? Dr. Muslim is not under investigation, has no criminal record and is not wanted internationally. Even if he were, the Federal Police disregarded the protocol of notifying the person to defend himself. It should be noted that even if Dr. Muslim was a member of a Palestinian organization, Brazil, following UN nomenclature, does not recognize any Palestinian group as a terrorist organization. This is just pure prejudice.

What worries us is the fact that President Lula was the first to express that what is happening in Palestine is a real genocide (and we know it is), and that the Federal Police, subordinated to the Executive Power, behaved in the exact opposite way, criminalizing and xenophobic, apparently following someone else’s orders: Dr. Muslim was arrested under an absurd pretext. According to the Federal Police, he appears on a list drawn up by the FBI, the US federal police, as a suspected member of “terrorist groups”, the Terrorist Screening Centre (TSC).

This list has no support in Brazilian legislation and is an interference in Brazil’s sovereignty.

This is not the first time that the Israeli Mossad interferes or tries to interfere in Brazilian politics. In November 2023, the Zionist authorities tried to create a fact with a bizarre “terrorist attack” in the 3-way border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, which proved nothing, limiting themselves to try to criminalize the Arabs living there. At the time, the then Minister of Justice made a statement that applies directly to the latest events: “It is not up to the Federal Police to analyze foreign policy issues.”

Dissatisfied with the deportation of the Palestinian family, the members of the International Committee Brazil Chapter expect the competent authorities to explain what happened and the measures that will be taken to rigorously investigate the responsibility for the behavior, as well as a response that defends the sovereignty of Brazil in the face of foreign interference.

The criminalization of a people suffering genocide for more than eight months, victim of Zionist terrorism, is unacceptable.
Enough! Free Palestine !

Brazil Chapter of the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity to the Peoples

Source: Cuba en Resumen