Lula visits with Noam Chomsky

June 25, 2024

Brazilian President Lula da Silva meets with Noam Chomsky

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited in São Paulo the American intellectual Noam Chomsky, who last week was released from the medical facility where he had been hospitalized.

The meeting took place at Chomsky’s residence, where the renowned linguist continues to recover from a stroke suffered last year. “Today in São Paulo I visited four people for whom I have great affection: former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, linguist Noam Chomsky, journalist Mino Carta and writer Raduan Nassar,” said the Brazilian president in a message posted on social networks.

Although the details of the meeting are unknown because it is part of a private agenda of the Brazilian president, according to the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, the visit lasted about 40 minutes and during the whole time they were holding hands.

During the meeting, Lula spoke to him about the intention of organizing a meeting of heads of state democrats to discuss ways of acting in the face of the advance of the ultra-right in the world.

Chomsky, 95 years old, was hospitalized until last Wednesday at the Beneficência Portuguesa, where he was recovering from a massive stroke that has caused him difficulties to speak and to move the right side of his body, as published a few days ago by the same newspaper.

The intellectual, professor emeritus of MIT and most recently the University of Arizona, is considered the father of modern linguistics and is the author of more than a hundred books on his specialty, but also on geopolitical issues such as the conflict in the Middle East.

Source: Pagina 12, transation Resumen Latinoamericano – English