US Embassy in Bolivia Accused Once again of Subversion

June 18, 2024, from La Paz

La Época weekly journal, which specializes in political analysis, accused the United States embassy in Bolivia of promoting a plan to destabilize and cut short the mandate of President Luis Arce.

The publication highlighted this week a recent interview given to the national press by the Minister of Economy, Marcelo Montenegro, who pointed out that the US embassy is headed by chargé d’affaires Debra Hevia. “Clearly, all of this is a plan that comes from the United States embassy, it must be pointed out very clearly, and other embassies that are in some way involved in a soft coup plan for the economy,” La Época quotes the minister in the article “Montenegro exposes the US embassy”.

The embassy immediately reacted against the statements, and several mainstream media outlets, and quite a few self-proclaimed “independent” right-wing analysts, supported its point of view just a few minutes later.

La Época noted that several analysts and outlets right wing were the ideological spearhead of the November 2019 coup against the government of Evo Morales and that they are now in an open campaign against Luis Arce. “The common approach launched by the US embassy, amplified by those media and those journalists (…) was to criticize that these words came from the chief of economic staff” and the formulation that they are baseless accusations, the journal adds.

The outlet praised the fact that Montenegro brought to the national and international collective memory two central elements that must not be forgotten: firstly, the fact that the economy is not separated from politics, which is demonstrated by those who push partial or particular conflicts with the intention that these converge over time to generate general unrest and disaffection against the Government.

La Época stated that “it is based on the economic issues, like the criminal blockade of Cuba and Venezuela, that they intend to turn the population against their governments (…)” of which Bolivia is no exception, as Hevia well knows.

Secondly, the weekly reports that the history of Latin America and the Caribbean is the history of the interventionist actions of the United States, and recalled the direct military invasions against the Dominican Republic (1965), Grenada (1983), and Panama (1989), as well as the installation of military national security regimes in the 1970s and 1980s. “In short, very good for Montenegro. He said what is already known in right-wing, business, political, and civic circles,” La Época concludes.

Source Prensa Latina