Venezuela Independence Day: The Baton of Command Will Never Fall into Hands of Traitors

By Carlos Eduardo Sanchez on July 5, 2024

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro alongside his wife, Deputy Cilia Flores, and the military high command at the Independence Day military parade in Paseo Caracas, photo: Presidential Press.

Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro swore that the baton of command that accredits him as Commander in Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) will remain in good hands in the years to come and “will never fall into the hands of an oligarch, a puppet, or a traitor!”

“When we say that we are anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist, it is because we are determined to take our own reins and make our own decisions,” said the president after concluding the Civic-Military parade on the 213th anniversary of the signing of Venezuela’s declaration of independence and FANB Day. The event took place on Friday, July 5, at the Paseo de los Próceres in Fuerte Tiuna, Caracas.

President Maduro added that he has preserved the “most precious asset left by the country’s liberators and Commander Chávez, which is independence.”

“We are a free and sovereign country, and we are also at peace. Today, I congratulate the entire High Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force and its five components: Air Force, National Guard, Army, Navy, and Militia,” he said.

Referring to the parade, Maduro emphasized that today, Venezuela is demonstrating “everything that it has to show, but we know the extraordinary capabilities we have for combat in modern times. We have our secret weapon, and it is the armed people. In addition, we have support from countries that have cutting-edge technology, drone and anti-drone combat, such as our sisters Russia, China, and Iran.”

“Let no one be mistaken about Venezuela. We are a nation of peace. We love peace, but we are warriors, and if you want peace, prepare to defend it, conquer it, and preserve it. I have never trembled in the face of any threat from the north or anyone else. The baton of command is in good hands. Today, I swear before you, the soldiers of my country, that this baton that I have carried with courage will remain in good hands in the years to come,” President Maduro stated.

He also pointed out that Venezuela saw the FANB’s character that day: “I have seen your strength. I have seen Bolívar march here as a people, the youth. We have also seen our General Rafael Urdaneta, Francisco de Miranda. In this year of 2024, like never before, the FANB has sung the profound hymn of the victorious people.”

President Maduro said that Venezuela will not accept the installation of US military bases in the country. “We do not want them to turn our country into a base for the US empire, ever!” he said in reference to a far-right politician’s statement regarding their proposed new Venezuelan military doctrine and their pledge of alliance to the US government.

He added that in Venezuela, the far-right opposition intends to apply the “Milei method; the first thing he did was recognize the British people’s sovereignty over the Malvinas. Thus, they [far-right forces] plan to come and accept the colonial plunder of the British Empire over our Guayana Esequiba, but we will not allow it. Guayana Esequiba is Venezuelan.”

“We say to the President of Guyana: come to the negotiation table,” Maduro concluded.

Source: Ultimas Noticias, translation Orinoco Tribune