By Emir Olivares and Arturo Sánchez on November 4, 2022
AMLO, photo: Isaac Esquivel, EFE
“It’s a disgrace!” In that phrase President Andrés Manuel López Obrador defined what happened yesterday within the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (UN) where despite the overwhelming position of the nations against the blockade of Cuba, it is maintained due to the votes against it by the United States and Israel.
During his press conference this Friday at the National Palace, and without any questions, the Mexican president referred to the vote held yesterday in the General Assembly of the multilateral organization where a resounding rejection was expressed to this measure arbitrarily imposed by the United States government 60 years ago.
“Yesterday, 185 votes to remove the blockade and two against, and they exercised their right to veto. One hundred and eighty-five against two! And the blockade is going to continue, because these two, I believe that one has the right to veto, which is the United States. But it is a shame! Where is the greatness? Where is the high-flying politics?”, emphasized the Mexican president.
He remarked that the blockade and the fact that despite the fact that the great majority of nations are against it and that it cannot be lifted, is not at all traditional and “it is very retrograde”. And in this sense he questioned: “How in these times are we going to be betting on going backwards? These are times of change”.
In spite of all this, he was confident that the position of most of the countries could be heard sooner or later.
“Anyway it was very good because there are 185 countries, two against and two abstentions, one Brazil and the other Ukraine, with all due respect what do they (the Ukrainians) have to gain by getting involved. Such little political sensitivity”.
Source: Cuba en Resumen