By Katu Arkonada on January 26, 2023
On March 5, 2022, the anniversary of the death of Commander Hugo Chavez (nothing is a coincidence), a delegation of the US government arrived in Caracas. Joe Biden’s emissaries had a clear objective: in view of the impossibility of guaranteeing oil supply due to the conflict between the United States/NATO and Russia, with Ukraine as proxy, they wanted to negotiate the reduction of sanctions to the Venezuelan oil industry to allow the entry into that market of the American Chevron company.
Recently, and also in a related manner, we have learned of two other events. First, the Spanish Ambassador to Venezuela delivered his credentials to Nicolás Maduro, which implies that the government of Pedro Sánchez is going to stop recognizing the puppet Guaidó (previously the United States had already done so, and soon the European Union will do so) which explicitly places the only legitimate government that exists in Venezuela as the only interlocutor.
A couple of days before, the Venezuelan government announced that it would be the Foreign Minister and not President Maduro who would travel to Buenos Aires to participate in the Summit of Heads of State of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in view of the information obtained about a plan of the neo-fascist right wing to carry out a series of aggressions against the Venezuelan delegation and its Head of State.
Part of this plan was disclosed last week, with due caution and care to sources, in our article entitled “From FTAA to CELAC, US interference does not stop”.
What is happening then in Venezuela? Can we actually think there is a relaxation of the “pressure” measures promoted by the United States and the European Union against the Bolivarian Revolution?
The answer is no. It happens that the strategy of violence, guarimbas, international pressure, economic blockade focused on the oil industry and Guaidó’s self-proclamation, has not worked and the presidential elections are approaching in a few months, elections to which the Venezuelan opposition arrives weak and Nicolás Maduro and the PSUV arrive with strength with many possibilities of repeating the victory of 2018.
As part of this change of strategy, an organization called “Movimiento Ciudadano 21 de Noviembre” (MC-21N) was recently formed, whose subversive strategy aims at overthrowing the government of Nicolás Maduro, provoking a scenario of ungovernability in the next 4 months. In this strategy, they will make an effort to unite discontented sectors of the Venezuelan society, focusing especially on the health and education sectors, and on some social leaders.
The “MC-21N” movement proposes in its non-public documents to which we have had access, to initiate a destabilization campaign under the banner of democratic freedom, respect for Human Rights, liberation of the so-called political prisoners and intensification of denunciations of corruption in the Venezuelan government.
One of their main battlefields will be the social networks, where with foreign help they will mount media campaigns of fake news denouncing the alleged unrest of the population with the aim of generating a climate of protests again, and since the violent way has not been successful, they will formally use the non-violent passive resistance modality. The objective: to demand the resignation of Nicolás Maduro, accusing him of being a dictator and narco-terrorist.
Likewise, the “MC-21N” organization has been instructed by external forces to work on the co-optation of active and retired officers of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), aiming at high hierarchical positions.
The “MC-21N” is directing its members to organize regional intelligence bids in order to provide updated information on the government, the army and the popular sectors, as well as sensitive and real time elements on Venezuela’s state owned oil company PDVSA. The recommendation they make if they are arrested is to insist that they are acting on their own behalf to divert the attention of Venezuelan security forces.
The” MC-21N”, officially created in October 2021, pretends to pass itself off as an NGO, but it is clearly an extreme right-wing political organization whose objective, despite trying to distance itself from the violent actions of the past, is still a violent exit for Venezuela, without ruling out, if possible, the assassination of Nicolás Maduro Moros.
Among its members is the Venezuelan opposition figure José Patines, self-defined as anti-communist and anti-Chavista, who has been publicly supporting Guaidó.
The strategy being defined at this time by the “MC-21N” coincides with the unconventional warfare actions promoted by the United States against Venezuela and other progressive countries. Its President, William Jimenez, is a senior member of an Inter-American federation of lawyers based in Washington.
The November 21st Citizen Movement receives financing from “Creative Associates” of Costa Rica, known for having promoted, with USAID financing, the Zunzuneo Network against the Cuban Revolution, which reveals a level of articulation with the centers of political-ideological subversion promoted by the U.S. intelligence services.
It is impossible to dissociate what is happening in Venezuela from the coup d’état in Bolivia, the parliamentary coup against Pedro Castillo in Peru or the assault on democracy in Brazil by Bolsonarism. And all the clues from the south point to the north…
Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – US