By Dailenis Guerra Pérez on August 23, 2023
photo: Bill Hackwell
There are many ways to refer to Cuban women. There were mambizas, clandestines, guerrillas. Today you find them federated, since August 23, 1960. Our founding date of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) led by Vilma Espin.
Our union allowed that housewife to shake the dust of her aspirations, to be strengthened in the example of Vilma and the nascent Revolution, to conquer our challenges as women.
The passage of time treasures 63 years of conquest and female empowerment. Changing concepts, patriarchal patterns and achieving gender equity in this society has become the challenge of the organization.
Statistics abound to validate our union of women. We are more than 4 million federated women. More than 42% of the people working in the state sector and 34% in the private sector are women. Almost 50% of the scientific personnel are Cuban women, while 13% are landowners. More and more of them occupy managerial positions and today we have the second most feminized parliament in the world.
However, there are issues that do not block out the sun. Geographical fatalism is real, it stabs many talented professionals who give flowers to the “green areas” of the country, but the countryside needs roses.
It is also true that there are those who do not take care of feminine tenderness. Who lacerate her body and despoil the soul with offensive words.
Even women assume the challenges that, from generation to generation, fall on women. What is the difference, Cuban women are capable of fighting to achieve their goals. Today, a Cuban woman literally does what she wants, because she has the opportunity.
A federated woman can study whatever she wants, find job offers that fit her profile and even compete for a job with a man. What counts here today is the determination, the decision to fight, to persist, the ingenious way to manage in this labyrinth that is life without burning your rice.
It is having the ability to concentrate enough not to make mistakes in the accounting of the company while you think about what your baby and husband are doing at home, because today there was no “care”.
The reality of Cuban women is united like an umbilical cord to the economic-social situation we live in, although each one in different contexts, with wounds and scars of their legacy, the federated women know how to face the day to day.
Cuban women dance with determination to the rhythm imposed by the new times, because the context, the diversity, the situations, the aspirations, make women unfold passionately, seeking to be at the height, rooted to their origins, to history.
Although there are still inequality gaps, on the shoulders of Cuban women also falls the weight of the successes that this island treasures as a country. The greatest challenge for a federated woman is to face herself; to face denial, tiredness, surrender and the daily reproduction of life.
Source: Cuba en Resumen