By Katu Arkonada on September 5, 2023
Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat
According to State Department sources, there is an operation underway against the Cuban Revolution executed by Orlando Gutierrez Boronat, an ultra-right-winger linked to the U.S. intelligence services and who has just recently traveled to Ukraine. The objective here is to complicate the G77+China summit to be held in Havana to be held in Havana on September 15-16, and to sabotage the presence of President Díaz-Canel in New York for the 78th United Nations Assembly starting September 19.
Boronat is a terrorist of Cuban origin, although he has lived in the United States since 1971, who presides over an organization called Cuban Democratic Directorate ” from which they not only promote the blockade against Cuba, but have directly called for a U.S. military intervention against Cuba. This organization is the largest recipient of U.S. government funding of all those that receive funds to subvert the Cuban constitutional order. In fact, Boronat has publicly declared himself an admirer of Salvadoran Major Roberto d’Aubuisson, creator of the death squads in El Salvador, and mastermind of the assassination of Archbishop Monsignor Romero.
Boronat is also an articulator of the international right wing. His relations with the Bolsonaro clan are well known and in November 2022 he was at the Conservative Action Political Conference (CPAC) where he launched harsh attacks against President López Obrador for his policy of support to Cuba
Boronat recently created the “Hemispheric Front for Freedom”, an international ultra-right wing front that opposes the governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, that he himself coordinates and just made a visit a few days ago to Ukraine to present the Luis Boitel award (August 29) to “137 Cuban political prisoners and to the Ukrainian people for the defense of their sovereignty in the face of Russian aggression”.
But Boronat’s visit to Kiev, beyond the anti-Russian and anti-Cuban revolution propaganda, had more important objectives:
First, to generate fake news around an alleged intervention of Cuban military alongside Russian military in the special intervention being carried out in Ukraine.
Secondly, and given the presence of far-right European politicians at the award ceremony, to sabotage the “Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Cuba”. In other words, to reinforce the blockade against the Caribbean island and its revolution.
And thirdly and perhaps most importantly, to sabotage the visit of the Cuban governmental delegation to the 78th United Nations Assembly to be held in New York, where President Díaz-Canel may be present to give a speech to the international community.
But, in addition, Boronat has asked Zelensky’s government to help them use their contacts with the Ukrainian community in the United States to join them in the demonstrations they intend to call in New York against the Cuban delegation. Let us not forget that although Cuba abstained in the United Nations vote against the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, denouncing the Western double standards and the attempt to surround Russia with NATO bases, it maintains a history of solidarity since the accident at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant (then part of the Soviet Union) in Chernobyl, where 24,000 children, mostly Ukrainian, were treated in Cuba for radiation sickness.
So far in 2023, the terrorist Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat has traveled to Peru, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Sweden, Lithuania and Poland, together with other members of the so-called “Hemispheric Front for Freedom”. All of this based on recommendations and the personal supervision of Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the select intelligence committee of the U.S. Senate that financed the trip.
Katu Arkonada is a Basque researcher and political scientist
Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – English