From Havana on October 7, 2023
photo: efe
The International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity of Peoples expresses its solidarity with the Palestinian people for the liberation of all the territories occupied by Israel for more than seventy years.
We denounce the criminalization of the Palestinian people’s right of resistance to recover their land, their homes, their olive trees, and the right of return of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were thrown out of their legitimate territory.
“We will Fight Forever!” photo: Bill Hackwell
Terrorist is the Zionist State of Israel, murderer of children, old people and women.
Terrorist is the Israeli regime that crushed with its tanks the homes of the Palestinian people.
Terrorist and racist is the colonialism of Israel that keeps thousands of Palestinians prisoners, that establishes the illegal administrative detention imprisoning hundreds of children, youth and adults for an indefinite period of time.
Terrorist is Israel’s bombing of Gaza hospitals.
Terrorist is the Israeli state that locks down the Palestinian people making Gaza the largest open air prison in the world.
Terrorist is Israel and its senior partner the United States, systematic violators of the human rights of the Palestinian people on all levels.
Shame on the hypocritical governments of the West that vote resolutions in the UN in favor of peace in the Middle East but are unable to sanction and break relations with Israel and today lament the heavy blow dealt by the courageous Palestinian resistance to the occupying army.
The heroic people of Palestine have the legitimate right to self-defense and self-determination under all forms of resistance and struggle.
We demand the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners, the end of apartheid and racism against its population; the return of the occupied territories and the return of all Palestinians to their land.
Long live Free Palestine!
Source: Cuba en Resumen