By Ana Hurtado on November 4, 2023
It has been heard for many years and has been assimilated.
Those who live it suffer it. Outside, they can’t imagine it. It is the danger that comes with the normalization of crimes. The blockade of Cuba is one. And they remain silent.
They keep silent, even knowing that in their countries they would not survive even three months in the same economic, human and social conditions.
We are at the right historical moment to continue denouncing it.
The entire planet is living a televised genocide in Gaza. It was said that the revolution would not be televised, but the genocide is being televised.
At the time of the Holocaust, everything was known only afterwards. The propaganda of the time confused and lied. Nobody imagined what Nazi Germany was doing in its labor and extermination camps. It became known later. When the invading troops entered their territories. Then came the cries and wails of many:
– “No, I was not aware. No, I did not know. No, I was just following orders.”
Now we all know everything. Six million Jews were annihilated. And not only Jews, because within the group there were also gypsies, Republican Spaniards, homosexuals, people with disabilities, communists, anarchists and more. It was for this reason that in compensation, if such a massacre carries any, the most massacred group was given an invented country in a territory where there were already people. Thus the state of Israel was created.
Is there any historical reference other than the biblical texts to describe Israel as a country? The land was always Palestine. And anyone who delves into historical, anthropological and social sciences proves it. The Palestinians are Semites. And it is Zionism (not Judaism) that is committing the same atrocious and merciless holocaust that Hitler’s troops committed against the Jewish people in World War II. Yes, the Zionist state of Israel is anti-Semitic, and has set out to wipe a millennia-old population off the face of the earth. And it is not just now. This did not start last October 7. Woe be to the illiterate who believe it. The imperialist rhetoric takes advantage of ignorance and disinformation to advance their wars, which are their biggest business.
We are seeing them through social networks, media and any information platform from different points of view. And we are all one of two things: either complicit or enraged. Because the war is in our homes and on our cell phones. And not to take a stand against it is to be part of it. History is wise and will take its toll. It is good against evil. Peace in the face of unending pain.
There is no need to touch us closely if we are not moved by any atrocious gesture that happens anywhere on the planet.
There are already some countries that have decided to break diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. Bolivia led the initiative.
The “RealPolitik” is on offer. Pragmatism, indecency.
Nations lack moral, ethical and ideological values in the face of a conflict of this magnitude. Let us hope that Bolivia’s initiative will attract more countries to carry dignity as a flag. Let us also hope that Spain understands that it is necessary to urgently break off relations with Israel as long as it continues to be immersed in ethnic cleansing. But interests come first, not human lives rather the things of capitalism. You know it well.
Without going any further, and comparing it conscientiously, the same thing that has been happening to the Palestinian people, although in a different way and form, has been happening to the Cuban people for more than six decades. A silent and slow war. Exhausting and exhausting.
Same objective, same intention. Colonialist imperialism does not distinguish.
Let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind that if they have not committed the same massacre against the Cuban people as they are committing in Gaza, it is because they have not been able to. Because the Cuban Revolution, with its maximum leader Fidel Castro, prevented them from the very first moment. They are different cases, contexts and situations that cannot be compared. If there is something that unites the Palestinian and Cuban people, it is resistance and courage. As well as being the number one target of the murderous and criminal governments of this contemporary history in which we live.
If it were not for the Revolution, they would have entered Cuba a long time ago. If it were not for this people, their moral vest and the achievements built during all these years, perhaps they would have wiped the island off the map. Hence the constant frustration in drowning it without success. But they already know what would happen if they try to take over Cuba. We all know it. What will they reap if they do not perish in the struggle?
These days, as every year, the vote against the U.S. blockade of the island is being held again at the UN. Once again the world has voted a resounding NO to the blockade.
But it will continue to be maintained because nothing is done at the international level to prevent it.
But we do not believe in international organizations when they do not give real answers to the people of the world who live oppressed.
At the beginning of Operation Barbarossa in Eastern Europe, Italian historian Domenico Losurdo writes that Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels recounted in his diaries the first days of the invasion in 1941:
“We have before us an unprecedented triumphal march.”
He even noted that Hitler had referred to the Soviet army in this way:
– “It’s just a joke.”
As the months progressed, the tone of the infamous propagandist’s diaries was changing:
“The Führer is privately very irritated with himself for the fact that he has allowed himself to be deceived to such an extent about the potential of the Bolsheviks (…) We have calculated the potential of the Bolsheviks completely wrong.”
It is worth the comparison and the expedition to history – which is wise – to see how confident the executioners are in their fanciful victories.
I have no doubt that the Americans who carry out foreign policy against Cuba and other sovereign peoples also have a diary.
And although it is not the same case in the same time span of months as that of Goebbels, I dare say that this diary has been changing and will change more and more.
Until finally to say that they were wrong. That there is nothing more to do. That the victory of their enemies (us) is inevitable.
And maybe they will be the ones, we don’t know when, who will have the same defeat as the Nazis. It may sound dystopian. There are many forces, peoples, nations and lives to unite in this endeavor.
Higher towers have fallen. Below we have Goebbels, his family and his colleagues.
Source: Cubadebate, translation Resumen Latinoamericano – English