By Laura Mor on February 12, 2024 in Havana
Abel Prieto, Pres. of Casa de las Americas; José Ernesto Novaez, Coordinator REDH, Photo: Yaimi Ravelo
Within the framework of the II International Meeting of Theoretical Publications of Leftist Parties and Movements this morning at the Havana Convention Palace, the Network in Defense of Humanity (REDH) held a forum which brought together 92 leading intellectuals, and academics from 35 countries, the meeting of the Network in Defense of Humanity – REDH at the Palace of the Conventions here in Havana.
The REDH, as explained by José Ernesto Novaez, Coordinator of the Cuban Chapter, is based on ten principles initiated and approved in 2004 in how to act in defense of the planet, the integration of peoples, the building of solidarity, sovereignty and international legality, unity in diversity and of culture for all, access to knowledge for all, popular participation, truthfulness and plurality of information, memory and peace; under which certain lines were drawn on how to act within the scenario of the resurgence of current neo-fascism.
“It is designed to build a space of unity”, a fundamental axis of the II International Meeting, explained Novaez. In this way, it seeks to be a space where the creation of common fronts that allow “to dispute, debate and promote post-capitalist projects and searches” is propitiated”, he detailed.
Abel Prieto, President of Casa de las Americas, referred to the rebirth of the current “new fascism” as a moment in which it is vital ” to have a space of symbolic articulation to give the battle of ideas” to defend peace, sovereignty and solidarity as is the REDH.
Graciela Ramirez and Oscar photo: Yaimi Ravelo
In this battle of ideas, he considered of utmost importance the construction of a new “Operation Truth”, which disputes the discourse of the hegemonic media in the construction of global public opinion.
For his part REDH member Omar González emphasized the role of unity within the left, starting from common objectives beyond differences. “It is an increasingly raw world,” he said, agreeing with his fellow panelists on the need to counter the hegemonic discourse of a desperate imperialism.
The REDH, González commented, has created different working groups, but has not achieved the scope needed, that is transcending beyond the circles of intelligentsia.
Graciela Ramírez, Coordinator of the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity and Editor of Resumen Latinoamericano’s media office in Cuba, referred to the REDH’s space for “articulating content, generating awareness, creating spaces for thought and explaining historical truths”, that is so necessary to counteract the fake news of the mass media in the generation of opinion matrixes in societies.
Ramirez went on to say in particular that “We must raise REDH at this time in the defense of the right of Palestine to its existence against the genocide of Israel”. She proposed, to “take from intellectuality a step to the practice through an emancipating process that raises the consciousness of our people”.
She concluded by saying, “Where REDH does not exist, let it exist and where it exists, let it multiply”, after two decades since its creation. ”
Source: Cuba en Resumen