May 12, 2024
photo: Cenesex
The Cuban Conga against Homophobia and Transphobia took this Saturday its message of “Love is law” to central avenues of the capital’s El Vedado, along with pronouncements for a free Palestine and against the Israeli genocide.
Representatives of Cuban LGBTI activism and friends from other countries joined the parade calling for “All rights for all people”, organized by the National Center for Sex Education (Cenesex) as part of the Cuban Days against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 3-18.
Cuba encourages the effective exercise of sexual rights of LGTBIQ+ people and the combination of academic, cultural, sex education and community participation activities that promote that purpose during these days.
The director of Cenesex, Mariela Castro Espín, highlighted in recent statements to the Cuban television program Mesa Redonda (Round Table) the need to continue making visible the forms of violence in which transgender people and their families live.
She underscored Cenesex’s purpose of promoting tools against the different forms of discrimination and under the premise that love is law, endorsed in the Magna Carta and the Cuban Family Code.
In that sense, she pointed out the urgency of raising the communication effort of the country’s institutions to achieve higher levels of understanding of families and society, learning and acceptance of individualities in relation to gender identity and sexual preferences.
Castro Espin also called attention to the existence in the LGTBIQ+ community of a revolutionary activism in defense of popular causes, in the midst of the active homophobic media crusade that encourages rejection and discrimination against people with homo and transsexual sexual preferences.
Source: Cuba en Resumen