Thousands Stand Up to Netanyahu and the War Makers in Washington

By Bill Hackwell on July 24, 2024 from Washington, DC

photos: Bill Hackwell

Despite facing multiple police agencies, who came from as far away as New York, and a Capitol encased in heavy metal fences to protect a war criminal, tens of thousands of determined supporters of the Palestinian people, from around the US, came to say no to the visit of the genocidal Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, who was being welcomed with open arms by the war profiteers and the great majority of Democrat and Republican representatives in Congress.

police from different agencies try to disrupt the march with an unprovoked pepper spray attack.

In a major speech of nearly an hour to both houses of the US Congress, Netanyahu harangued and admonished the representatives to “send us the tools so we can finish the job”. His reference, of course, is for even more weapons of mass destruction to continue the genocide of Palestinian people that has killed nearly 40,000, mostly women and children, with US made weapons.  There was no mention of any movement towards a cease fire from Netanyahu, who has been included in an application of arrest for his criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Today, Netanyahu was lauded by Congress for the fourth time for faithfully maintaining an armed garrison state that protects and expands US imperial interests in the Middle East.

But what the Zionist leader saved most of his anger for was the growing solidarity movement standing with the heroic people of Palestine that was ignited on the campuses of the colleges and universities across the US by a new generation that is not going away.  “Those outside in the street are useful idiots of Iran and other enemies! ” he yelled. It may be hard for some to imagine how a president of a foreign nation can come here to condemn and degrade anti war activists opposing genocide in the US Capitol in front of the assembled elected officials of the country who not only allowed it but gave him multiple standing ovations as well, even though ending the war in Palestine is the majority opinion of their constituencies. It is obvious Netanyahu would not of even wasted his breath if this broad movement wasn’t having a world wide impact.

Washington DC had tried to eliminate free speech during Netanyahu’s visit by not issuing march permits, but that did not deter the thousands who flooded the streets and followed Netanyahu where ever he was, including the Watergate Hotel where he was staying. Many of the major intersections of the city were taken over and held today by protestors, bringing traffic and business as usual to a stop.

The breadth of the organizations at the main gathering on the street leading to the capitol was evident in the speakers. Political groups, student organizations, and religious organizations, including active Jewish groups who are playing a big role in exposing the dangerous myth that to oppose Israel equates to antisemitism.

Labor contingent

Especially noteworthy is the addition of six national labor unions, with a combined membership comprising nearly half of all union members in the US, have made public a letter sent to President Biden calling for an embargo on delivery of all military aid to Israel. The letter was cosigned by the American Postal Workers Union (APWU), Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), International Union of Painters (IUPAT), National Education Association (NEA), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), United Auto Workers (UAW) and United Electrical Workers (UE); many of whom were in the streets of Washington today.

As difficult as the police agencies made it, including an unprovoked tear gassing the front of the protest, the determination and spirit of the people prevailed in the streets marching for hours.

The national demonstration was organized by a broad coalition including the Palestinian Youth Movement, ANSWER Coalition, U.S. Palestinian Community Network, American Muslims for Palestine, The People’s Forum, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Palestinian American Organizations Network, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Palestinian American Women’s Association, CodePink, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestinian Assembly for Liberation, and Writers Against the War on Gaza.

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – English