By Stella Calloni on August 10, 2024
The president of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council confirmed on Friday the triumph of Nicolás Maduro in the elections of last July 28 while the Superior Court of Justice investigates what happened at the request of the president-elect, and summoned the nine candidates participating in the elections, those who participated, except for Edmundo González.
While more information is known about the plan elaborated in Washington, which was going to unleash extreme violence using mercenaries as it happened in the early morning of the 29th, which caused millions of dollars in damages, even setting fire to the headquarters of the electoral facilities.
The massive external intervention against the structures of the electoral body was denounced. This was more than foreseeable, repeating a criminal scenario, which left, at other times, dead and wounded, in the face of the ferocious media campaign with an extraordinary synchronization encouraged, advised and financed by the United States and its closest associates.
This as part of a prepared plan, knowing that the only thing they could not and could not do was to intervene the Venezuelan electoral system, recognized as one of the safest in the world and left as a legacy by former President and leader Hugo Chávez Frías.
The Venezuelan leader anticipated what is happening now when the hegemonic power needs as never before to colonially control its insubordinate “back country” and one of the objectives is to undermine the elections, preventing the triumph of popular governments and also destroying the unity in diversity of Latin America and the Caribbean, which decided at the time that the region is a territory of peace.
This unity of Latin America was an obstacle to the geostrategic plan of recolonization in the region that is trying to take us back to 1823, with the Monroe Doctrine, that of “America (South) for the Americans (North)” with which the imperial colonial expansion began in the 19th century.
It has not been so long that we have forgotten what we are, dependent countries that deserve our definitive independence in this century, after the genocide to which we were subjected throughout the past, through the dictatorships imposed by the United States to protect its interests and dominate us colonially.
The Constitution of the new Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela allowed a profound change in that country since it allowed to advance in sovereignty, recover the right over its natural resources, stop the looting and essentially recover and expand the rights of the majorities of a population, mostly impoverished and invisibilized, which came out of the darkness of oblivion to become an empowered people.
That the United States and its satellites are at the forefront of the violent events and recognize these days the opposition as the winner, without any reason, without figures, without anything, is not surprising because Venezuela has the largest oil reserves and other valuable resources and a strategic territorial position, but also a government unwavering to its principals, which should make our people proud.
The fact that some governments and politicians of our region know nothing about the Venezuelan electoral system is very serious and if they did, it is even more dangerous because they were co-opted by the ferocious media campaign, going out to ask for “the minutes” and violating the self-determination of the peoples.
On July 28 at 4:00 p.m., before the end of the electoral process, the opponent María Corina Machado, tried to close the elections early and came out to say that the opposition had triumphed. In her efforts she shot out an inadmissible and inconceivable figure of 70 percent in her favor, to demand the minutes and proclaim a fraud that never existed.
According to the system in a first count, when the results appear with figures that are irreversible, the National Electoral Council announces the winner and has between 48 or 72 hours and up to 30 days to give the definitive results, which can be openly audited.
The tally sheets were going to be shown in due time as it was always done and their plan was to anticipate to give false results by demanding precisely to “show” the tally sheets. In the meantime, as reported by President Maduro, if the first results were delayed, it was because the system was hacked several times until the technicians were able to locate where the attack was coming from. This is under investigation by the Supreme Court of Justice.
What we cannot and should not forget is the position taken by political parties or sectors that were many times helped by the generosity and solidarity of the governments of the United Socialist Party (PSUV) of Venezuela.
These are the same people we would have liked to see come out to the arena to complain about the genocide against the Palestinian people, which Israel continues to aggravate day by day. We have never witnessed before a genocide televised day by day, where we can see the cruelty of bombing schools, hospitals, buildings inhabited by thousands who were left under the rubble, also United Nations shelters, destruction of ambulances and impediments to the arrival of humanitarian aid, urgently. To hear that the Israeli Congress justifies the torture of Palestinian prisoners, including children, women and the elderly, is an affront to the victims of the Holocaust.
What is surprising is what is happening in Argentina, whose regression takes us back to the XIX century and we are under a covert dictatorship that every day takes a step further, as today when the government of Javier Milei sends a project to Congress for the Armed Forces to participate in internal security, when their role is to take care of the increasingly distant sovereignty of our homeland.
Milei is handing over the homeland and we all know who are the real rulers behind the throne, who sow poverty, indigence, unemployment, pain and injustice, and who are responsible for the repression, threats and political persecution that will increase with the plan of the Ministry of National Security that provides for a “cyber patrol” an authorization to spy on all citizens, tap their phones, computers etc.. as can only happen in a dictatorship. It also allows raids on suspicion.
We all become suspected “internal enemies”, and nobody says anything about the war they are imposing on us, low intensity counterinsurgency, hybrid as they want to call it, which ends in political persecution, in illegal repression. A war by different means with the same criminal objective.
In the midst of the tragedy that the Argentine people are living, the unforeseeable happened. The block of national deputies of Unión por la Patria (Peronism) released a statement arguing that it is “essential” that the regime (as they call it) of Nicolás Maduro publish the minutes of the elections in Venezuela, urging the Security Forces to “act according to the standards of international law”.
It is good to remind them what happened in Brazil when President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won in Brazil, in December 2022 when the violent ultra-right-wingers of the candidate for reelection Jair Bolsonaro, began a violent attack on Congress, the presidential house, government buildings to provoke a coup d’état. If the security forces had not acted, the country would have been set on fire.
The question is why would the government of Venezuela, cross its arms when they are setting the country on fire, knowing that they had already discovered the plan to produce a huge blackout in several areas of the country, to prevent the elections?
They are the same ones who in 2017 sprayed gasoline on those they considered “chavista” and burned them alive and have attempted dozens of coup attempts and even a plan for a U.S. military invasion, which left death and destruction.
It is also necessary to remember that Venezuela has been the victim of a fierce blockade for a decade, and under a relentless economic war.
For all these reasons it is incomprehensible that the block of Peronist deputies demanded “the reconstruction of the political dialogue and the full validity of the rule of law”, which in reality should have been demanded of Milei’s ultra-right government.
Although Peronism did not recognize that there was fraud in the recent elections of last Sunday, the deputies affirmed that “President Maduro “is responsible for guaranteeing that the scrutiny is transparent”, and exhibition of the minutes before the observers of the national and international political forces, as an indispensable step to dissipate any questioning on the result of the election”, something that the President never refused to do and which is foreseen in the Venezuelan electoral system.
Apparently they were not aware of the convincing reports of the international observers, among them the Workers Party of Brazil, and the Argentinean, Chilean and other countries that verified the correctness of the Electoral Council and the execution of the Venezuelan electoral system, as we have already said, one of the safest in the world.
The only television media that has true news about what we are living here has lent itself to silence the voice of the government of Nicolás Maduro, and curiously they were glued to the actions of the ultra-right-wing Milei regarding Venezuela, “aligned” with the United States and Israel. The Argentine embassy was never in danger, nor were the six asylum seekers, all of them part of the coup in Venezuela.
And if there was any danger in embassies, it was what happened here in Buenos Aires, when the Venezuelan diplomatic headquarters was surrounded by a hundred Venezuelan residents here, headed by none other than the reactionary Minister of Security Patricia Bulrich and other officials, with the decision confirmed by the official to enter the place when the victory of the opposition was announced.
By what right is it possible to complain when the vote count has not even been closed and furthermore without even knowing the Venezuelan electoral system? Was it necessary to send such a communiqué, like the one sent by the Renovador party, against a brotherly country and government? It is necessary to have a reflection and an apology before this undue intervention, when there is so much silence before the dictatorship that is advancing here, hour by hour.
Source: Cubadebate, translation Resumen Latinoamericano – English