September 29, 2024
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
Revolutionary militant Mariela Castro Espín, deputy of the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba and well-known fighter for sexual rights, posted on her Facebook page a message dedicated to the people of Lebanon in the face of the assassination of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Cuba en Resumen reproduces it below:
The continuity of genocide, the cynical discourse of the Zionist butchers about peace and the hypocrisy of the U.S. government that sponsors them is unacceptable.
When the same enemy of the peoples assassinated Che, our heroic guerrilla fighter, his example was multiplied. The martyrdom of the great strategist Qasem Solimani strengthened the axis of resistance. The cowardly assassination of the top political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniya, demonstrated the heroic capacity of his militancy. Conscious humanity, committed to justice and freedom, will not forgive the sacrifice of the people and their leaders. Culture, humanism, ethics and wisdom characterize Hezbollah and all insurgent organizations that heroically confront the state terrorism of the US, Israel and their miserable allies. Eternal glory to the martyrs. There are no alternatives left for peace, but to keep on fighting until victory always, which is also the only way to honor the martyrs. The pain is immense, and we will continue in the struggle together with you.
Mariela Castro Espín, Cuban revolutionary militant.
Source: Cuba en Resumen