Nearly 100 Argentine University Faculties are under Student Occupation

October 16, 2024

Nearly a hundred faculties of public universities are paralyzed and taken over by students and non-teaching staff in protest against Javier Milei’s veto of the university funding law.

The national general secretary of the Student Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (CeFyL-UBA), Luca Bonfante, has confirmed that in over one hundred public universities students are carrying out some ongoing protest measure.

In this sense, Bonfante expressed “At this moment there are almost 100 faculties taken. In these occupations there were assemblies, public classes and this will continue in the coming days. There will be actions on Wednesday and Thursday, the student movement has been set up at a national level and the Government will have to deal with it”.

According to the media, at the National University of Quilmes (UNQ) the occupation will continue until Friday, while at the National University of Tres de Febrero (Untref) it will last until Saturday.

During the week, students from the Faculties of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy of the National University of San Luis (UNSL) also joined the protests. The universities of Luján, Tucumán Rosario, Catamarca, La Plata, Salta and La Pampa also joined the protests.

In the same line, the Union Front of National Universities called for a new strike with cessation of activities for this Thursday. Likewise, throughout the week other complementary measures of force will be implemented.

Students and professors of some universities denounced that, while public classes were being held in the faculties, the police began to surround the area.

With 160 votes in favor and 84 against, on Wednesday, October 8, the Argentine Chamber of Deputies approved to maintain President Javier Milei’s veto to the law for the financing of universities, which increased the funds for public higher education centers.

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – Buenos Aires