Nicaragua Breaks all Ties with Israel: “It is a Genocidal System”

October 11, 2024.

The Vice President of Nicaragua has announced that the President, Daniel Ortega, has given the order to comply with the request of the National Assembly to break ties with Tel Aviv.

Rosario Murillo indicated that President Daniel Ortega instructed the Chancellery of the Republic to comply with the request of the National Assembly to break diplomatic relations with the Zionist, “fascist and genocidal” entity, which refers to the “policies of extermination against the great, courageous, brave and dignified peoples of Palestine with whom we have always been entwined”.

Meanwhile, on the social network X, the Nicaraguan National Assembly referred to the approval of a declaration of condemnation and absolute rejection of the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist regime.

In statements to the Nicaraguan media, Murillo added that Israel continues to carry out “war crimes”.

Rosario Murillo and President Daniel Ortega

Likewise, the Nicaraguan vice-president questioned the role of international peace guarantor organizations. “What is the use then of these so-called international organizations that condemn those who do not subordinate themselves? We do not subordinate ourselves to the imperialists of the earth, and they see the fascism and the intention to exterminate struggling peoples, fighters for justice, for truth, for rights and yet remain unmoved,” she stressed.

“We condemn fascism, we repudiate it, we reject it and we are united with the fighting peoples,” Murillo said.

In this sense, she added that “the President has instructed to proceed with the severance of relations and it is most likely that in the next few hours the decree that guarantees the compliance with this instruction of our Head of State and our parliamentary bodies will be known”, she underlined.

For his part, the president of the National Assembly of that Central American country, Dr. Gustavo Porras, also condemned the Israeli crimes.

On January 23, 2024, Nicaragua requested the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to intervene in the case filed by South Africa against “Israel” for violations of the United Nations Genocide Convention during the war in Gaza.

The Resolution

The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of the Republic of Nicaragua, on the first anniversary of the brutal genocide that continues to be committed by the Fascist and Criminal War Government of Israel against the Palestinian people.

Considering the resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Nicaragua, approved unanimously today, Friday, October 11, 2024, in which it condemns the continued genocide, cruelty, extreme hatred and extermination carried out by the Government of Israel, and reiterates the demand for compliance with all United Nations resolutions, for the creation of the State of Palestine, as a free, sovereign, independent and self-determined State.

We condemn once again this genocide, occupation and permanent aggression against the life and dignity of the people of Palestine, which now extends against the people of Lebanon, and seriously threatens Syria, Yemen and Iran, endangering peace and security in the region and the world.

In permanent solidarity with the people and Government of Palestine, with the peoples who suffer martyrdom, destruction and barbarism and in strict adherence to international law and the conventions governing civilized relations between states and governments of the world, the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua breaks all diplomatic relations with the Fascist Government of Israel.

We ratify once again, our warm and consistent consideration to the dear families of the Israeli people, who deserve our affection, support and solidarity, who are living difficult times as a result of the excessive brutality and hatred of their Government.

Managua, October 11, 2024, Government of Reconciliation and National Unity Republic of Nicaragua

Source: Radio La Primerisima, translation Resumen Latinoamericano-English