By Resumen Latinoamericano editorial on December 31, 2024.
journalist in Palestine, an example of what communication means in times of barbarism.
With accumulated pain and sadness due to the monstrous provocations of imperialism, but also with the satisfaction that we feel continuance of the emerging signs of resistance and struggle, we reach the end of a very difficult year.
Throughout these twelve months we reconfirmed that in their voracity and desire for conquest, imperialism and Zionism are capable of anything as they have now demonstrated: to be the criminal builders of genocide and of all the aberrations unloaded on the Palestinian people and the rest of the region. They are beings educated in the ideology of barbarism, that nest in Washington, Tel Aviv, London, Berlin or Paris, who have not hesitated to massacre women and children day after day through their bombs but also through the encouragement of criminal famines. Throughout 2024, we have seen, day and night, waves of violence unleashed against unarmed civilians, as well as the resurgence of torture and extermination camps that offend and lacerate to shreds the slightest humanitarian sentiment. Atrocious deeds arising from the impunity granted by the Western complicity and its institutions that support ethnocide, especially in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, but also in Beirut and southern Lebanon, in Yemen, Syria or Iraq. All this so that Zionism can extend its borders indefinitely.
But also this year, we are witnessing the greatest resistance that can be offered by a group of men, women and children to show the invader that despite the Palestinian blood shed, its people and its territory will be free from the river to the sea. Within the framework of this conviction that has lasted almost eight decades, we can speak of thousands of incredible facts that demonstrate that these people, apart from being courageous, are supportive in extremes rarely imaginable, and are guided above all things, by the immense love for their land. These same premises guide those who support them without any kind of speculation, putting the body and martyrs, as are the countries of the axis of the Resistance.
That is why, in the heat of that special fire that only liberating struggles provide, we bid farewell to this year with the conviction that in 2025, the global enemies of our peoples will continue to confront us, without renouncing the essential things that we have learned throughout our own histories. Let us look to the example of Fidel, Che and Vilma, of Ho Chi Minh and Commander Hugo Chávez, but also to the heroism of the Russian people defeating the Nazis in the last century and doubling the denazifying bet against NATO and Zelenzky in the current century.
We are, as we have said many times in our writings and in all the counter-informative work in which we are engaged, loyal to those who rebel against injustices. That is why we love the example of Norita Cortiñas and Mirtha Baravalle, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo who put the name of their militant sons and daughters on high, we feel as our own the piquetero resistance in Argentina, but also the signs of organization and rebellion represented by the Landless of Brazil and all their brothers and sisters of Via Campesina.
We vindicate the bravery of the native peoples who have not been defeated in more than 500 years, we defend with all our strength the revolutions of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, in the face of imperialist attacks. We do not need to be shown electoral records to know that the peoples of revolutionary governments are not mistaken in betting on their continuity. We know of the progressive advance of the Honduran people, and of the permanent struggle against extractivism and the militarization of their territory carried out by the Mexican Zapatista insurgency.
Nor do we forget at this time, when not a few are throwing themselves into alienating consumption, that in the streets of all our countries there are millions who suffer hunger and thirst for justice. Excluded, survivors of neoliberal and extreme right-wing policies such as those applied in Argentina and other countries where fascism has taken over the government.
Finally two special mentions that we wish to socialize: to remember all those who are in prison for trying to revolutionize the world from below and to the left, and the 201 Palestinian journalists and popular communicators, who have been murdered by Zionism for telling neither more nor less that what happens in their occupied land is not a war but a genocide.
To the increasing number of communicators willing to inform from the trenches of the peoples we extend our solidarity going into the new year
Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – Buenos Aires, Havana, and the US