By Carlos Aznárez on January 12 from Caracas
Nicolás Maduro is sworn in as the president of Venezuela with his hand on the Constitution of the country. photo: Alejandro Azcuy
What healthy envy it provokes to go out to the streets of Caracas and all of Venezuela, and realize that the brave people here have once again ratified their enormous levels of loyalty to a revolutionary process that has made them grow in consciousness and well-being. Seeing the multitudinous columns of women and men from all social classes, but with a clear preponderance of the most humble, dressed in their vindictive T-shirts, waving flags of their movements and organizations linked to Chavism, heading towards the Miraflores Palace to celebrate the inauguration of their president, is the proof that unmasks the whole campaign of lies and lies that Venezuelan Chavism has been suffering for years.
The fact is that the commitment to all that has been conquered, felt by millions of Venezuelans, surpasses all possible deficiencies that any scenario of emancipatory characteristics contains within itself. A people that preserves the memory of what the Fourth Republic was under the tutelage of a bourgeoisie that had its feet set -sometimes- in the territory and its heart and head in Miami, or in any central point of the United States, cannot be so easily deceived. Starting from the turning point of the Caracazo of 1989 to the realization, ten years later, of the closest thing to a revolutionary utopia with Hugo Chavez as its helmsman, everything was chained together to prove that so much sacrifice was worth it.
Within this historical framework, we arrived to Friday when Caracas became a great mobilization and mass party. This fact, an exponent of the strength of the revolutionary movement, also has, in this case, a simple explanation: the ordinary people of this Caribbean nation are fed up with the fact that a group of exponents of the most rancid extreme right, led by María Corina Machado and her lapdog, Edmundo González Urrutia, tried to ruin the peace that reigns in the country. And for more support, they resorted to foreign support to destabilize and overthrow the government.
Now we have reached the present, in which the popular satisfaction of having achieved a new victory reigns, which fills them with pride to see that their enemies are not invincible. That is why the chants, the mockery, the dances, the contagious rumba, the “bochinche”, as Nicolás himself said from the stage where he spoke excitedly to the crowd. The fact is that this people, who at one time suffered serious violent attacks, which cost them dead and wounded, at the hands of a racist and revanchist opposition, has every right to shout to the world: take your hands off of our affairs, look at your internal yards and you will realize that behind the mask of “democracy” that you claim to uphold, the worst essences of authoritarianism and repression as a method are hidden but they prevail.
That is why, when at the beginning of the defining act, the fusion took place between that revolutionary leadership headed by Maduro, and the crowd that from below was pushing to demonstrate that nothing and nobody is going to make them back down in their support of the revolution. The result was a thunderous noise of celebration, but also of satisfaction because finally all the evils announced by the opposition here and abroad failed. Neither did Gonzalez set foot in Venezuela, nor the fugitive Corina, who tried to victimize herself in a crude manner, were able to realize their evil designs. “They are death, we are life”, said a banner carried by a woman who works as a teacher in Petare, and it is just as plain as it is, since they have nothing to offer but a behavior that augurs a country for the benefit of a few -as Milei wants to make concrete in Argentina- against a majority sector of the population whom they despise and marginalize.
On the other hand, Nicolás Maduro, in a few words, announced that the revolutionary process will be deepened, that there will be reforms to the Constitution to broaden and generalize the national dialogue. That, as always, Venezuela will be at the side of the peoples fighting for their freedom and independence. The opposite of what the U.S. government, Canada and the European Union are predicting, with the cruelty of imposing more sanctions, in addition to that grotesque Spanish politician Felipe González, who predicts a tragic end for the Bolivarian president.
What is concrete and totally confirmed is that Nicolás Maduro was sworn in and took office as announced, and that the duo acting as the sychophants of the oligarchic-imperialist conspiracy, continues wasting their breath trying to justify with a thousand excuses their tremendous failure. They were left kicking and screaming in the air, as had already happened to Leopoldo López, Capriles Radonski or Antonio Ledezma. All of them, as is now happening to María Corina, will have to retire hastily as failed coup plotters, or as Vice President Delcy Rodríguez advised the leader of Vente Venezuela: “Get a job and stop bothering us”.
Carlos Aznarez is the editor of the Resumen Latinoamericano based in Buenos Aires
Source: Cuba en Resumen