January 21, 2025 from Havana
photo: Yaimi Ravelo
The International Committee Peace, Justice and Dignity, sends a call to stand up with Cuba and repudiate with all forces the perverse inclusion of the current tenant of the White House Donald Trump, who on the very day of assuming his mandate, in just hours later, with the despotic arrogance that characterizes him, revoked the presidential order of the Biden administration which was recognized, only six days ago, at all the highest levels of government, that Cuba Does Not Sponsor Terrorism and therefore was removed from the unilateral SSOT .
The absurd inclusion this January 20 is perverse because of the damage it causes to the Cuban people, to the economy blocked to an extreme asphyxiation, by preventing it from buying even medicines for patients with serious diseases such as cancer, from making international transfers to pay for the supplies it urgently needs to acquire from abroad: food, medicines and fuel to just mention only a few essentials.
Cuba is an island only 90 miles from the United States, but it must travel around the world and pay six times more in cash for what even an aspirin is worth.
Cuba is a victim of terrorism sponsored with impunity by the United States, where terrorist groups are trained and attacks against Cuba are planned in broad daylight, without the U.S. government batting an eye. It is not a Sponsor, it is a Victim of Terrorism. Its record of strict respect for International Law, International Conventions and Treaties and the Founding Charter of the UN is beyond reproach.
It turns out that the most terroristic and violating country in the world, the author of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the originator of the Coups d’Etat in our whole region, the one with the dark School of the Americas that trained in torture the genocidal Pinochet and Videla, the one of the invasions and the occupations, the one that delivered billions of dollars and tons of lethal weapons to its criminal partner Israel to murder the children, women and civilian population of Gaza and Lebanon, puts and removes Cuba, and puts it back again on a list it should never have been on with arrogant strokes of a pen.
The SSOT is a list that would never have existed if there was an ounce of humanity in the government of the US, that is long gone and instead there are shreds of some ideal that never really existed.
Who gave the United States the right to compile this List? Who gave it the right to apply the longest genocidal blockade in history? Who gave it the right to apply 243 sanctions on Cuba and 960 on Venezuela?
It was not the American people who are painfully unaware of the damage their government does to our peoples. If they could comprehend what the Cuban or Venezuelan people suffer through on a daily basis by the terrible consequences imposed by the sanctions, the Blockade and the inclusion in the perverse list they would be in shock.
We are facing two genocides: the one committed against Cuba for 66 years and the one committed against Palestine for 76 years.
A few hours ago Netanyahu declared that the US gave him the green light to bomb Gaza after the ceasefire. What kind of humanity are we in when the basic right to life of children is not respected and an ignorant dictator intends to even change the geographical names of our continent.
Just as we do not accept the normalization of the occupation of Palestine, we will never accept the normalization of the blockade of Cuba and its inclusion in the perverse, unilateral and illegal list created to make our people suffer.
Against both genocides we stand up with all our strength.
The Network in Defense of Humanity, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples, International Solidarity and the Anti-Fascist International will now begin to mark the calendar for up coming actions.
From the International Committee for Peace Justice and Dignity, Juntas por Palestina, the Martin Luther King Memorial Center of Havana, Resumen Latinoamericano, and others who think and act in rebellion and struggle we propose:
Comrades, let us use the beautiful symbols that identify our beloved Cuba and its glorious lone star flag to encourage us on.
Fidel taught us to turn the setback into victory. Cuba has won a thousand times during these 66 years. Once again it will win.
Martí left to us as a teaching: “He who rises with Cuba rises for all times”.
Let us rise together with its heroic people, the most supportive and internationalist in the world, the one that exports health, education and hope. The people of Fidel, Che, Raul and Diaz-Canel. The people of Celia, Haydee and Vilma. The people who have healed the wounds of so many pains and wars.
Let there not be a national and international meeting in which the two genocides are not denounced loud and clear. Not only do the lives of the Cuban and Palestinian people depend on it, but also that of humanity.
Let us accompany the denunciation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and the Revolutionary Government with the tags:
We will win!
January 20, 2025, Havana
Source: Cuba en Resumen