By Yaimi Ravelo on January 29, 2025 from Havana
Graciela Ramirez at the 6th International conference for the Balance of the World. photos: Yaimi Ravelo
Today at the first day of sessions of the 6th International Conference for the Balance of the World entitled “With all and for the good of all,” the solidarity movements with Cuba denounced the unpunished crimes of imperialism against the peoples of Cuba and Palestine.
The panel “International Solidarity with Cuba” was the scene of valuable interventions that not only defended the Cuban cause, the voices of all regions of the world denounced fascism and Zionism, the main enemies of the existence of humanity.
The aggressive foreign policy of the United States towards Cuba, intensified by the measures of Donald Trump in his incipient second term, were exposed by Johana Tablada, Deputy Director of the US General Directorate of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Tablada described the measures adopted by Donald Trump as hypocritical. He, who supposedly cares about the “wellbeing” of Cuban men and women, on his first day in office once again included Cuba on the list of states that supposedly sponsor terrorism.
“Do you know why they hurried to put Cuba on that list on the first day? To apply a policy of maximum pressure and suffocation on the Cuban people,” she stated.
“So that no oxygen enters our population that no money enters to provide health services, education, transportation services. The design is to cut off all sources of income and sustenance for the population so that the country suffers, destabilizing it and eventually overthrowing the government,” denounced the Cuban official, exposing the true intentions of the repeated criminal attitude of the foreign policy of the White House administrations.
Joanna Tablada, Deputy Director of the US General Directorate of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Tablada recalled that historically this policy of accelerating a change of regime in Cuba through the blockade and the inclusion of the Cuban nation in the spurious list has always failed, however, “it has been successful in deteriorating the standard of living of Cubans and imposing setbacks in the country’s conquests”.
A fascist policy that achieved what the current US president supposedly does not want, migration. And in the last four years a record number of Cubans have migrated to the United States.
“What makes you think that a people who have resisted for 65 years supporting a right that they have fought for, after 200 years of struggle to build that society with everyone and for the good of all with social justice, are going to give that up? That is not an option for Cubans.”
The panel “International Solidarity with Cuba” was also chaired by Fernández González Llort, Hero of the Republic of Cuba and President of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), Noemí Rabaza Fernández, First Vice-President of ICAP and Rigoberto Zarza Ross, Director of Europe for ICAP.
Also participating in this panel were José Luis Centella, President of the Communist Party of Spain, and Norberto Galiotti, General Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Network of Solidarity with Cuba, who proposed to encourage a solidarity marathon with the island from all over the world.
The conference was notable for the large number of young people who participated, one of the great challenges of the solidarity movements to maintain the spirit of the organizations that are at the forefront of the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist struggle on the continents fresh.
At the International Conferences for World Balance, the most loyal friends of Cuba traditionally attend. The space for debate was enriched by the experience of those who have dedicated their lives to solidarity and the new activists who revolutionize the defense of just causes.
“Unfortunately for humanity today, the power of imperialism has been assumed by the magnate Donald Trump and his gang of racists, xenophobes and misogynists,” denounced Graciela Ramírez Cruz, Coordinator of the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity, at the closing of this panel.
“He has come down on humanity and we have to discredit him as such, not as a response to all the disqualifications he makes of us, but because he really is and he is a perverse being, he is a despicable being and he is a bully of peoples. He is a being who believes himself to be above international law,” condemned Graciela, adding that it is our duty as human beings ‘to oppose him with all the forces of reason, with all the force of justice and with all the forces of our solidarity’.
The prominent Argentinean activist proposed to take the International Tribunal’s Denunciation of the Blockade to the International Court of Justice, to the Criminal Court of Justice and to The Hague, as suggested by one of the Italian jurists present at the event.
“We add that tribunals should be set up against the blockade, tribunals to condemn the United States, tribunals to condemn Zionism, all the criminals, Tribunals of the Peoples in each of our countries.
In Bolivarian Venezuela, in Socialist Cuba, in Bolivia, in Europe. It is necessary for humanity.”
“We cannot continue to tolerate the pain of Palestine and the pain of the Cuban people. You cannot imagine what happens to a Cuban family on a daily basis under blockade, sanctions and blacklisting.
Let us rise up as the world rose up against fascism.
At the World Anti-Fascist Festival in Caracas, during the days of Maduro’s inauguration, one of the slogans proposed was that on May 9th, 80 years after the Red Army’s victory against fascism, a world day of reflection should be held, to think about how the Soviet men and women were able to defeat fascism.
Graciela called for us to think about “how we defeat the genocide against Cuba that has been going on for 66 years, the 76-year genocide against Palestine, the atrocities committed against Lebanon, the atrocities being committed against Venezuela and to stand up with all the strength and the historical heritage of our peoples.
At the 6th International Conference for World Balance, young Palestinians also raised their voices in defense of just causes.
She emphasized that “as Palestine urgently needs international solidarity to end the genocidal war, so too will Gaza and Palestine free the world from Zionism as a racist reactionary movement that threatens international peace and security.
Yousef Abualrob, also a Palestinian student, recalled that “the struggle of the Palestinian people has been going on for more than 100 years. The Palestinian people have resisted extermination in various ways, combining extremely advanced and creative tactics and strategies: they have never resigned themselves to being victims.
More than 600 foreign delegates, attending from 98 countries, will continue the working sessions at this 6th International Conference for World Balance from the Havana Conference Center, in defense of the “Dialogue among Civilizations and for a Culture of Peace” from the voice of the people through Friday.
Source: Cuba en Resumen