Cuba Reaffirms its Commitment to Multilateralism at the UN Security Council

February 18, 2025

Carlos Fernández deCossio, at the UN

The Cuban Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, took part on Tuesday in an open debate of the Security Council entitled “Putting multilateralism into practice, reforming and improving global governance”, which took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

Fernández de Cossío referred to the current international situation, characterized by serious and growing threats to international peace and security and a progressive erosion of multilateralism.

In this sense, he highlighted the withdrawal of the world’s greatest power from international organizations, with absolute contempt for multilateralism; its support for and participation in the expansion of the genocide against the Palestinian people, and its declarations of plans for land grabbing, ethnic cleansing and annexation, without any ethical or moral qualms.

He also mentioned the rise of racist and supremacist ideology and the violation of environmental agreements to favor transnational corporations, without taking into account the risks to the sustainability of life on our planet.

Faced with this scenario, the Cuban diplomat reaffirmed the importance of the role of the United Nations and described as essential full respect for the principles and purposes of the UN Charter and the norms of international law in the face of the unprecedented challenges facing the international community.

He called for profound transformations of the organization, which would allow progress towards a democratic, just, equitable world order that respects the sovereign equality of states, for the benefit of present and future generations.

The vice-chancellor condemned Cuba’s presence on the arbitrary and unilateral US list of states that supposedly sponsor terrorism, an instrument of coercion and an act of aggression that provokes the repudiation of the international community.

He also rejected the application of unilateral coercive economic measures as a means of achieving foreign policy objectives and stressed that “as long as the punitive approaches against developing countries do not cease, there can be no talk of real and inclusive multilateralism for all”.

Fernández de Cossío concluded by reaffirming Cuba’s commitment to multilateralism and global governance and expressed the country’s willingness to work with the international community to guarantee peaceful coexistence, preserve international peace and security, and find lasting solutions to systemic problems.

Source: Cuba en Resumen