Cuban Foreign Minister Responds to Insinuations of Marco Rubio: He Will Be Left Wanting

February 4, 2025

Foto: Enrique González (Enro)

Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs, said on Tuesday that the Cuban government, with the support of the people, will continue to defend the Revolution, independence and national sovereignty.

In X, the Foreign Minister denounced the interference of the United States and its agendas of regime change in the multiple administrations that have succeeded each other in that country since the triumph of the Revolution in Cuba in 1959.

“We’ve had to endure 13 US presidents and we’ve lost count of the Secretaries of State,“ he said in one of his messages.

He also pointed out that the current Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, wants to visit Havana, but first he wants to change the government.

“He won’t get his wish. He won’t be able to get to know Cuba, a country he knows absolutely nothing about. He has not been invited,” he added.

For her part, Johana Tablada, deputy director of the US General Directorate, commented on the social network Facebook that “Marco Rubio never tells the truth. When it comes to Cuba, much less so. He says he doesn’t want to come until he overthrows the ‘regime’, he says he would only come to impose the government’s departure. He knows he can’t come to Cuba.”

The diplomat added that, as with Bob Menéndez, his commitment to special interest groups that enrich themselves from the economic war and hatred of Cuba is far above even the US national interest. “Pressure and confrontation have not worked.”

Source: Cuba en Resumen