By Randy Alonso Falcón on September 10, 2019
The new measures against Cuba and Cubans announced last Friday by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin shows the visceral hatred of that nation’s governments against ours and the enormous cynicism that reigns in imperial politics.
If anyone had any doubts about the genocidal, hypocritical and aggressive nature of the blockade, the recent decisions of the Trump administration have reliably shown the Mallory essence of such a creature. Lester D. Mallory was a U.S. diplomat, Assistant Undersecretary for Latin America who wrote in April 1960 a strategy memorandum for Cuba, entitled “Castro’s Decline and Fall.” Mallory argued that economic pressures were necessary because “there was no effective political opposition” to Castro’s government, which was then 16 months old. The key was to inflict pain on the Cuban people. Mallory wrote that the United States needed to “weaken Cuba’s economic life [ to lower nominal and real wages, provoke hunger, despair, and the overthrow of the government. Surrendering out of despair, hunger and needs for a people is the best political option that can occur in the eyes of the U.S. government.
They are frustrated by the resilience of a small nation in the face of siege and permanent aggression, the enormous sense of solidarity it practices and the decision not to allow itself to be overwhelmed or to cede its sovereignty and independence.
They are moved by petty electoral interests in Florida, one of the states with the most votes for the November 2020 presidential race.
Not satisfied with attacking the main sector of the Cuban economy, tourism, prohibiting cruise ship trips and visits under the People to People license (under which most Americans used to travel to our country), of viciously pursuing shipping companies attempting to transport oil and derivatives to Cuba and sanctioning the Cuban fuel importing company CubaMetales; now they limit family remittances and further tie down the flow of foreign exchange from and to Cuba.
It is a question, according to the Secretary of the Treasury, of “financially isolating the Cuban regime”. For Mr. Mnuchin, “By means of these regulatory amendments, the Treasury is denying Cuba’s access to convertible currencies, and we are slowing down the bad behavior of the Cuban government, while continuing to support the Cuban people who suffer so much.
An anthological piece of cynicism for the ages. How much does it support the Cuban people who tighten the rope around their necks?
A Trump official had already announced this to The Examiner since April, revealing that the administration was planning to “financially strangle the Cuban regime. Senator Marco Rubio, the putative mother of this escalation of the policy of aggression, then added that the sanctions recently activated under Title III of the Helms-Burton Act will harass tourism investments and affect Cuba’s financial soul.”This and remittances,” he said, “is how they generate all their foreign exchange.”
They shamelessly base their sanctions on Cuba’s solidarity aid to Venezuela. Rabid because they have not been able to deal with the Bolivarian Revolution, they try to blame Cuba for its failures in the land of Bolivar and Chavez.
They bet on their strategy to divide Cubans, to confront us, to soften us, to bury our dreams and hopes. But we have lived this history to the full and we have managed to emerge victorious from the most difficult challenges, with far fewer conditions than now. There is no time for regrets. It is a time for intelligence, for seeking alternatives and solutions to the multiple problems posed by the blockade, for strengthening the unity that strengthens us, for thinking as a country. The more hatred and threats from the empire, the more fruitful the exercise of creation and resistance by our heroic people.
Source: Cubadebate, translation Resumen Latinoamericano, North America bureau