Venezuela: Social Movements Announce Creation of Platform Promoting Solidarity With Palestine

April 9, 2023

Photo: Jesús Vargas/AVN

More than 40 social organizations and political parties of Venezuela announced the creation of the Platform of Solidarity with the Palestinian Cause, an initiative to promote solidarity with the people of Palestine.

The decision arose from a meeting convened by the Itinerant Forum of Popular Participation, held in Caracas, on Saturday, April 8, at the Andrés Bello National House of Letters.

Participating organizations condemned the recent increase in violent Israeli aggression against Palestinians and decided to form the platform to express solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

The solidarity platform announced a number of events that will be held in Caracas from April 14-15.

On Friday, April 14, councilors of the Caracas municipality and National Assembly deputies of the Capital District will hold a special session of the Caracas City Council in solidarity with Palestine. In the afternoon, a vigil will be held in the Plaza Bolívar, the main square of Caracas to commemorate Palestinians murdered by Israeli forces.

On Saturday, April 15, a demonstration will be held in the vicinity of the National Pantheon and the Cuartel San Carlos, from where the participants will march to the Plaza Bolívar.

Hind El Anderi, one of the representatives of the solidarity platform, announced, “There will be cultural activities along the route of the march, where poets and singers will express their solidarity with the Palestinian cause through their work and raise their voice in support of Palestinian children, the elderly, men, and women who are resisting with dignity the colonial regime’s segregationist practices.”

El Anderi added that the main objective of the march is to denounce the ethnic cleansing committed by Israel against the people of Palestine.

Moreover, this will preface the commemoration for the anniversary of May 14, 1948, the day the United Nations split the Palestinian territory in two and founded the state of Israel on more than 50% of the land that originally belonged to the Palestinian people.

The solidarity platform presented a document which, in addition to expressing solidarity with Palestine and denouncing the crimes of the Israeli apartheid regime, highlighted the need to act firmly against the division of Palestine, which affects “not only the Middle East region but all of humanity.”

Source: RedRadioVE, translation: Orinoco Tribune