Venezuelan President Supports International Conference Promoted by Petro

By Ariadna Eljuri on April 19, 2023

Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro, expressed on Monday his support for the International Conference on the Political Process in Venezuela, promoted by his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro.

This conference will take place in Bogotá on April 25 and 19 countries from the international community are invited.

“I told the foreign minister to convey to Gustavo Petro all my support for this conference to be successful,” said the Venezuelan head of state during the broadcast of the first program Ripe +.

“There are great expectations about the conference, we are going to be very aware of all the events, their development, their proposals, their conclusions and it seems to us that it is a good opportunity to look for ways to overcome this time that has affected so much Venezuela of sanctions and blockade”, said the president.

Maduro indicated that it is necessary for the entire international community to raise its voice so that the sanctions against Venezuela are lifted. It is important that “the entire international community has a single voice, zero sanctions against Venezuela,” he pointed out.

In this regard, he emphasized that in this century it is necessary for political dialogue and peace to prevail, as well as permanent cooperation with all nations.

“The time of coercive measures has to pass. Relations have to be based on political dialogue for peace, permanent cooperation, international relations, large countries, medium-sized countries, small ones. It is time for the respect for international law, respect for sovereignty, for the freedom of the country,” said the Venezuelan president.

“We want a Venezuela free of sanctions, free of the economic blockade and a Venezuela that is respected,” added the President.

Maduro spoke about the meeting he held on Sunday, in Caracas, with the Colombian Foreign Minister, Álvaro Leyva, with whom he spoke “at length” about this summit.

“I expressed Venezuela’s full support for this summit to energize and revive the entire struggle of our country to achieve respect for our sovereignty, our independence and the definitive lifting of all unilateral coercive measures,” continued the head of state. .

Maduro asked Leyva to convey to the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, “all the support for this international conference to be successful.”

The president insisted that the National Government follow up on the results of this summit, which aims to find ways to overcome a situation in the country.

Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through an official statement, reiterated that Venezuela will not be able to advance in the dialogue while the unilateral coercive measures imposed by imperialism are maintained, which are contrary to International Law, International Humanitarian Law, and the Charter of the United Nations.

Likewise, he thanked on behalf of the government of President Nicolás Maduro the initiative of the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro when convening the International Conference on the Political Process in Venezuela to which 19 countries of the international community have been invited and to be held in Bogotá, on April 25, 2023.

Recently, the Venezuelan government reiterated its willingness to engage in national dialogue with the opposition sectors, in order to find a solution to the situation in the country.

At the end of November, the National Government signed the second partial agreement with the PU organization, which includes the country’s opposition groups.

The agreement – ​​signed in Mexico – contemplates the recovery of schools, the health system, services, particularly the electrical system with regard to the recovery of more than 3 billion dollars that belong to the Venezuelan State and were kidnapped by the United States and its allies in various countries.

Source: Ultimas Noticias, translation Resumen Latinoamericano – English