By Ramón Pedregal Casanova on June 6, 2023
“It is important that the U.S. government remain behind the scenes; and when possible, limit its support to training, advice and provision of materials, so as not to harm the local government effort and unnecessarily expose the U.S. to accusations of intervention and colonialism.”
“This is a document written by Richard Bissell, CIA Deputy Director of Plans, and supervisor of the Special Group (Counterinsurgency), the group that put together the Overseas Internal Defense document on Kennedy’s behalf in 1962. … The men who worked with him in this group had also been trained at Harvard, Princeton and Yale. … Third World countries had recently met in September 1961 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, to organize the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). That is why the Task Force emphasized the covert nature of its operations. U.S. power was to be exercised through military action (asymmetric wars), but also through the use of measures such as economic incentives and sanctions as well as support for local police and military forces (hybrid wars).”
These are paragraphs from the book, absolutely recommended, entitled Washington’s Bullets. Stories of the CIA, Intervention and Coups. Translation by Paula Gürtler. Foreword by Evo Morales. Bellaterra Edicions.
The public figures of the apparent left that come from the intellectual fringe, have always had the backing of the monopolies’ media with a critical appearance, they have always moved characters captured by the bourgeoisie’s defense apparatus, which assigns them to the leadership of the growing social movements, their work is to absorb cadres of that movement, integrate them into the institutionalism, and start the process of dissolving them, emptying of content, decomposing the class organizations through disorientation, the generation of political distrust, and to paralyze the struggle in progress, until drying up its channels in the established order. A famous book that shows the work of the CIA among intellectuals is that of Frances Stonor Saunders entitled The CIA and the Cultural War, there is also information in the following article: With respect to the Spanish State there is a book that collects the activity of the Francoists undercover in the intellectual field, the book is entitled: Dissidence and Subversion. 1960-1975, is published by Editorial Crítica, its author is the historian Pere Isas.
Cultural influence is one of the most important areas in the conquest of wills, and reaction has always invested in it in terms of means and recruitment of personalities that it can put at the head of social criticism. We all know intellectuals who end up working for large monopolistic chains, having worked in social and governmental politics first. The cultural battle is worthwhile for the big bourgeoisie, its domination of the minds gives it the silence of criticism it needs to remain victorious.
After such an observation, we must raise our eyes and fix them on the tactical enemy of the working class in the struggle for its liberation: the national bourgeoisie, and on the one who remains hidden behind it: the imperialist elite. A first fringe to which from the dark backgrounds it rains a shining layer of apparent leftist labors in the cultural influence by disaffection and apathy, serving the elected in the political field. In the Spanish State, and going through Latin America, the majorities are blinded and flooded with a discourse publicized by the general media, ambiguous, full of characteristic terms of the left, the “progressives” are the ones who are greased and grafted on the crest of that wave, they have the characteristics of the enlightened petty bourgeoisie, whose aspirations are fed by the agencies of the imperialist apparatus, the CIA, the NED, the USAID and their other operatives of corruption, falsification and creation of false “left” leaders.
While they achieve this demoralizing purpose, they help in the adaptation of new democratic and social economic cuts and approve laws of institutional violence. For this purpose they serve to cool down the street, and the political project of the national bourgeoisie becomes extreme and grows and strengthens publicly, until showing as savior the leading body of the war of the imperial elite.
It is no coincidence that in the Spanish State the advertising corporations have first extolled a supposed “left” that has been destroying organizations, dissolving class consciousness, joining the sector of the right that uses the term “socialist”, to form a government to support the order of the European big bourgeoisie, because there is no longer even local government, sovereignty has disappeared in the belly of the whale of the American European elite fattened with the bourgeoisie servile to the imperial elite, which already without concealment manifests itself as Nazis.
Before finishing, I ask myself: since when is the defense of the US empire, of NATO, and of the war to balkanize countries and steal them, since when to hand over public goods to multinational corporations, since when to sustain repressive laws of the past and project others of similar character, since when to support / accept labor laws destructive of the labor fabric, since when to impoverish the working majorities to enrich the internal and external minority… since when is that to defend the interests of the working class? The last electoral integration has given the leadership of the country to the most recognizable national bourgeoisie, behind it runs its imperialist support. Those “left” rightists have closed the exits to the working class and have fulfilled the order. Who defends the ethics based on social, labor, economic, political rights of the working class of the Spanish state, of the continent, of the remaining continents?
The ethics based on these rights is the expression of the practice of the peoples who seek social improvement, transformation, overcoming obstacles, that which has the name of Revolution. From that practice of the peoples derives their ethics, the knowledge of the truth, whose basis is objectivity. Will what has been demolished by the different actors at the service of the Spanish, European and American oligarchs be recomposed? Yes, definitely yes. But we must relearn, we must not forget who is in front of us.
Going back to the Bissell document : “It is important for the US government to stay behind the scenes; and when possible, to limit its support to training, advising and providing materials, so as not to harm the local government’s effort and unnecessarily expose the US to accusations of intervention and colonialism”, he was also deputy director of CIA Plans, supervisor of the Special Group (counterinsurgency), well read the document prepared by the US Department of Defense, when it was headed by Dick Cheney, the criminal of the Iraq war with his big lie of weapons of mass destruction, it was written in 1990 and says the following: “Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, whether on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat to the order like the Soviet Union. This is the primary concern and requires that we strive to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate world power. Our strategy must now be refocused on preventing the emergence of any potential world competitor in the future.”
The empire again. Since then they have been preparing, expressly, the substitution of the social force by actors capable of disorganizing it, so that we find ourselves facing what we are living today, in conditions of maximum political and social weakness, in the Spanish State, that we have not gotten, in a long time, forces with which to expose our interests as working class. The space of the working class intelligentsia is deserted. Today, the cultural influence of the Hollywoods prevails. There is a need for root intellectuals, shields of the rights of the working class that resist the corrupters, capable of raising the words of the great poet Gabriel Celaya: it is time to show us to people and show that, as we live, we announce something new.
Source: Network in Defense of Humanity, translation Resumen Latinoamericano