Greetings from the Network in Defense of Humanity to the Sao Paulo Forum

Jun 30, 2023

The Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity greets with great fervor this new edition of the Sao Paulo Forum. May this sisterly greeting reach all the social fighters gathered here, the organizations and peoples they represent, women and men who day by day build a better and possible future. To you who write history day by day together with the most humble, we send our embrace.

The Network in Defense of Humanity is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and could not be absent from this Forum. We are in fact an idea promoted in its beginnings by the leaders Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez that we continue to honor after 20 years together with our people.

Intellectuals and Artists from more than 40 countries of the world are today members of the REDH, and our voices are raised for peace, the integration of our peoples, our sovereignty, for unity in cultural diversity, in defense of history, for gender equity, in defense of the environment, for an emancipating and equal economy as reflected and among others, these are our founding thematic axes.

Two essential and concrete aspects characterize our actions: the mobilization of international public opinion around the postions that govern us and any just cause that requires denunciation and defense, and the development of a critical, anti-hegemonic thought disseminated through printed and digital publications, seminars, conferences, research, virtual forums, etc., where local initiatives are decisive. In this field, that of training, we offer especially to this Forum and to all its member organizations, our capacity to contribute.

For a Latin America territory of Peace, for the happiness of our peoples, it is possible.

Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity

Brasilia, June 29, 2023