President Ortega Demands the European Union Respect Nicaragua

July 20, 2023

President Ortega and VP Rosario Murillo at the 44th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution.

The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, demanded on Wednesday that the European Union (EU) respect his country and defended the decision not to sign the resolution of the Summit held in Brussels between the European Union (EU) and CELAC.

In his speech to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution, Ortega said: “We want them to respect us; they (the EU) want to be leading Nicaragua and what they really want is to get out all the revolutionary governments that are in Latin America”.

He revealed that at the III Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the EU, held on July 17 and 18 in Brussels, the Europeans pressured for “the fascist, the Nazi president of Ukraine (Volodymir Zelenski)” to be invited to attend the meeting. However, the majority of the CELAC countries did not accept it.

Nicaragua refused to blame Russia

Nicaraguans celebrate the 44th anniversary of the revolution in Managua

Ortega also explained that the Europeans tried to include in the final resolution of the Summit, which – he remarked – should be adopted by consensus, some paragraphs to try to blame the Russian Federation for everything that is happening in Ukraine, to which Nicaragua objected.

Similarly, he recalled that the EU promised to grant some 100 billion dollars each year to Latin America and the Caribbean for the environment, starting in 2020, but nothing has been delivered.

“They quickly take out billions (of dollars) to put into Ukraine, but they cannot find any money for peace, for the fight against poverty, to protect the environment here in this Latin American and Caribbean region,” he said.

EU vetoed proposals presented by Nicaragua

Ortega noted that Nicaragua made some proposals to be included in the final resolution, but they were vetoed by the Europeans.

He said that they proposed to make a demand to the United States to not deliver cluster bombs to Ukraine; and to ask the U.S. to comply with the sentence of the International Court of Justice in The Hague to compensate Nicaragua for the “acts of terrorism” committed against it.

He indicated that a resolution to demand the lifting of the US blockade against Cuba was approved, but that his delegation proposed to include the demand to cease aggressions and sanctions “against Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. They did not agree to include Venezuela or Nicaragua”.

“So, what we see there is that the European Union that is trying to plant weeds in Celac, and Celac will have to make its reflections, and than  make its decisions”, Ortega concluded.

Source: Telesur translation Resumen Latinoamericano – English