Latin American Journalists, Intellectuals and Friends Mourn the Death of Angel Guerra

September 29, 2023

Angel Guerra

Intellectuals and personalities from Latin America and the world mourn the death of prominent Cuban journalist and political analyst Angel Guerra following the news of his death on Friday in Mexico.

Guerrita, as he was affectionately known by his colleagues and friends at the time of his death, lived in Mexico and wrote his brilliant articles in the newspaper La Jornada.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel said, “My condolences to family and friends of Ángel Guerra, prestigious journalist, active member of the Network of Intellectuals in Defense of Humanity and tireless defender of Cuba and the Revolution.”

The Cuban ambassador to Mexico, Marcos Rodriguez Costa expressed in his X account:

“With deep sorrow we learned of the death of Cuban friend and journalist, based in Mexico, Ángel Guerra Cabrera, who is a reference of journalism; solidarity and brotherhood. Thank you for your life. We extend our condolences to your family and loved ones”.

According to La Jornada -Mónica Martínez- who was his life partner indicated that Ángel Guerra passed away at the age of 80, during the early hours of this Friday morning, “apparently of a cardiac or respiratory arrest. “she said.

Angel Guerra participated in the struggle against the Batista dictatorship and, after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, he held various positions in the National Revolutionary Militias and the Communist Party of Cuba. He was director of the Juventud Rebelde newspaper (1968-1971), Bohemia magazine (1971-1980) and other Cuban publications.

Messages from his comrades and friends

“What an immense sorrow. I will never forget his teachings and vehement determination for Cuba, our America and the oppressed of the world. Eternal glory to Guerrita. He will be greatly missed by his comrades of the In Defense of Humanity” -Katiuska Blanco

“Friends and colleagues today physically departed a dear friend of many of us physically departed , the beloved Angel Guerra, one of the pillars of our In Defense of Humanity. It is an irreparable loss.”

Ariana Lopez, Network in Defense of Humanity – Havana

“What a deep sorrow! Guerrita was part of my group of friends. Cheerful, playful, tremendous companion, competent. Revolutionary. All ours, a great Cuban and so much. We made his first trip to Mexico together. What lucidity, what a commitment to humanity. You will always be and I will never forget you.”

Marilia Guimaraes Network in Defense of Humanity – Brazil

“Guerrita, Guerrita! I have been stunned. I can’t believe it. But I know that she is not gone, that she will never leave, that she will be present in every heartbeat, in every heart that continues to fight for the respect of her beautiful Cuba and for the definitive emancipation of Our America. Guerrita is strength and inspiration for those of us who believe in a better world. We love you Guerrita!”

Carmen Bohorquez Network in Defense of Humanity – Venezuela

“This is very sad news. For those of us at Resumen Latinoamericano in the U.S. we came to rely on Angel’s anti-imperialist perspective which was always presented in a clear and poignant way. Angel Guerra Presente!”

Bill Hackwell Network in Defense of Humanity and Resumen Latinoamericano- English -US

“Tears are falling over these letters…like those coincidences that bind us by the hearts, this morning I was thinking about him…I even looked up an article of his, and thought how nice it would be to see him and learn so many things from his experiences…and now I see this sad news. A beautiful revolutionary human being is gone. What a loss for In Defense of Humanity and our causes. Yes… please let’s write a farewell that shows to the world his sown countenance. Lucidity, intelligence, analytical acuity, enormous commitment, combativeness and always with laughter and tenderness!!!!. Today we will pay tribute to him at the presentation of a book about Haydée Santamaría”.

Paula Klachko in Defense of Humanity Argentina

“I join everyone’s pain. A deep sadness for the departure of Guerrita. His voice, his lucid analysis and his passion will always be missed.”

Lilian Alvarez In Defense of Humanity Cuba

“Much pain! I learned a lot a lot a lot from Guerrita! It was militancy with tenderness!”

Beto Almeyda Network in Defense of Humanity Brazil

“Very saddened by the departure of Angel Guerra, a great comrade and dear friend, shrewd and with a good sense of humor. He was a journalist always timely, with deep reflections. We will miss him very much”.

Irene León In Defense of Humanity Ecuador

“Dear Guerrita is gone. Almost every day we talked for hours on the phone. He was a paragon of political wisdom and commitment to our best causes, always Cuba in the foreground. For years, in Mexico he was a key player in the articulation of the most fruitful debates of the left. He was a companion and a brother. The most loved by all. Farewell friend of the soul.”

Héctor Polanco In Defense of Humanity Mexico

“Sadness of the soul. Guerrita was a bastion of revolutionary thought and action. Hasta La Victoria Siempre, dear comrade!!!!!”

Atilio Boron, In Defense of Humanity  Argentina

“Dear revolutionary fighter Angel may the earth be light to you. We will miss you very much. Angel present! Luciano, Rita and the Italian chapter REDH”.

Luciano Vasapollo In Defense of Humanituy Italy

“What a great sadness, Guerrita as Omar used to call him. So loyal, so humble, so upright, so revolutionary, so Guerrita! Hasta la Victoria Siempre Querido Angel Guerra!”

Graciela Ramirez, Cuba en Resumen and In Defense of Humanity

Source: Cuba en Resumen