The Dirty War against Cuba: the Sublimation of Infamy

By Raul Capote on October 13, 2024

Whenever a powerful nation plans to invade, control, dominate another, the truth suffers a disruption. In the relationship between Cuba and the United States, lies have been a warlike resource used by the Empire to achieve its objectives of domination over the island.

Let us remember how already in the 19th century, to the racist and manipulative attack of the American newspapers The Manufactures and The Evening Post, Martí responded with “Vindication of Cuba” on March 25, 1889.

On February 17, 1957, the interview granted by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro to Herbert Matthews of The New York Times in the Sierra Maestra destroyed the fable constructed by the tyranny that the leader of the Rebel Army had died.

It took just a few days after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January 1959, for a virulent campaign of falsehoods against the Caribbean nation to be launched from the United States.

Major media outlets, among them the Associated Press, United Press, the Inter American Press Association, magazines such as Life, Newsweek, Us News and World Report were determined to show the world just how “criminal” Cuba was.

This is how Fidel would describe it: “In the cables there is a permanent insidiousness (…) They always mention -the rapid trials of Batista’s supporters-. They emphasize it. Apparently, they are impartial, but they use certain words and subtleties, as masters of intrigue (…)”.

The trials of the revolutionary tribunals against a group of the most notorious war criminals of the Batista dictatorship, important figures of the Eisenhower administration and numerous congressmen presented them as “acts of barbarism”.

Most of the CIA’s media operations in Latin America during the 1960s were directed against the Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro. “No more Cubas” was a concrete policy for the CIA. What has changed, in terms of mass manipulation, since then, since the first covert action plans? What has changed since the bastard Radio and TV Marti was created?

Essentially two things: the eruption of the Internet and the advance of new technologies. Thousands of audiovisual materials, books, encyclopedias, electronic sites carry out this task relentlessly, broadcasting their false messages.

The fake news against Cuba, fabricated and replicated by social networks and the popular and powerful technological platforms of communication, are the vanguard of the attack against the Revolution, they are in charge of inventing and reiterating lies, to destroy the ideological defenses and make us vulnerable.

President Trump’s June 16, 2017 National Security Presidential Memorandum, “Strengthening U.S. Policy toward Cuba,” to promote through the internet “the free and unregulated flow of information to Cuba and within the Island,” resulted in the creation of the Cuba Internet Task Force.

On the same day that mobile internet access began in Cuba, the “information” strategies made public in the budget documents for fiscal years 2018 and 2019 of the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors were implemented, where it is oriented to use native and unbranded Cuban Facebook accounts to disseminate content created by the U.S. Government, without informing Cuban Facebook users.

These documents have been ratified year after year by the Biden administration.

One of the objectives to be fulfilled by the Task Force is to promote the so-called “independent” Internet sites in Cuba, to create fake accounts and profiles in different social networks, including Twitter, to disseminate anti-Cuban content.

A task force is a temporary unit established to work on a specific operation or mission.

In this case, they propose to analyze “the technological challenges and opportunities of extending Internet access in Cuba to help the Cuban people enjoy a free and unregulated flow of information”. Translated to the truth it means the opposite. What it really is to regulate information, to control in order to take advantage of the advances of new technologies to dominate the space and the flow of content to subvert the internal order in our country.

In the instruction manuals of the Yankee special services, psychological warfare is defined in the following terms:

“Coordination and use of all means, including physical and psychological (excepting the military operations of the regular army, but exploiting their psychological results), that serve to destroy the enemy’s will to win, to undermine his political and economic capacity….”.

The key to persuasion is the control of the information that is consumed, that the person, according to the CIA manuals, only reads what we want him to read, sees what we want him to see, hears what we want him to hear.

The CIA defines “psychological warfare” as “the struggle to win the minds and wills of men.”

The geniuses of the CIA have come up with everything, including trials of “paranormal” warfare. Any infamy can be expected from the U.S. government.

Source: Cuba en Resumen