President Xiomara Castro: ‘Honduras Belongs to the People’

By Alejandra Garcia on September 15, 2024

Thousands march in Tegucigalpa in support of the Xiomara Castro government.

The government of Honduran President Xiomara Castro is under siege. “A plot is being hatched against my government,” she warned at the end of the week, after announcing the government’s decision to cancel the extradition treaty with the United States, in force since 1912. (more…)

Peruvian People Suffer Consequences Of Massive Oil Spill 2 Years Later

By Alejandra Garcia on September 10, 2024

Peruvian Fishers on the contaminated shore at Pasamayo. Unable to fish and lacking compensation. Photo: Leslie Moreno Custodio / Diálogo Chino.

The panorama of large portions of the Peruvian coastline is desolate. What used to be rich fishing regions and the livelihood of dozens of indigenous communities and citizens in the country, is today a scene of death since the spill of more than 11 thousand barrels of oil at the maritime terminal La Pampilla, of  the Spanish oil company Repsol, two years later. (more…)

Mexico: AMLO Bids Farewell to the People after Six Years in Power

By Alejandra Garcia on September 5, 2024 from Mexico City

Mexico City, photos: Alejandra Garcia

On September 1st, the final stretch of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) government began, marked by his sixth and last Government Report. On that Sunday, the city’s transportation became grid locked in the surroundings of the emblematic Zocalo, as thousands of guests and thousands of supporters accompanied his words, delivered where AMLO himself celebrated his victory in the 2018 presidential elections. (more…)

Fidel is Fidel

By Alejandra Garcia on August 12, 2024 from Havana

Fidel is Fidel, photo: Roberto Chile

On August 13, Fidel Castro Ruz (1926-2016) would have turned 98 years old. Today, Resumen Latinoamericano honors the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, as told by those who knew him. (more…)

Cuban Mijain Lopez Becomes a Legend with Fifth Consecutive Olympic Medal

By Alejandra Garcia on August 8, 2024, from Havana

photo: Ricardo Lopez Hevia

Mijaín López has taken Cuba’s name to the top in the Olympic Games in Paris 2024, in France. on Tuesday, the Greco-Roman wrestling athlete won his fifth consecutive Olympic gold medal, a feat never seen before, admirable, especially for an athlete who is about to turn 41 years old. (more…)

Latin America Leads Energy Transition but Much Remains to Be Done

By Alejandra Garcia on August 4, 2024

 photo: Bill Hackwell

Amid the debate on the future developments of climate change and the need to reduce net emissions to zero in the next two decades, the global energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies cannot be postponed. Latin America, one of the regions hardest hit by climate change, is taking giant steps towards changing its energy matrix to enable a sustainable and planet-friendly future. (more…)

The Living History of Cuba’s Rebellion Day

By Alejandra Garcia on July 23, 2024 from Havana

The Martyrs of the Moncada, photos: Bill Hackwell

The countdown begun for July 26, our National Rebellion Day, and this year the eyes of the people will be on Sancti Spiritus, the main venue of the celebrations. Cuba will mark 71 years of one of the most heroic events in the long history of struggle of this small island nation. On that day, in 1953, a group of young men led by Fidel Castro, attempted to storm the Moncada Barracks, Cuba’s second-largest military fortress. (more…)

Women in the Cuban Parliament; a Revolution within the Revolution

By Alejandra Garcia on July 18, 2024, from Havana

Women make up over 55% of Cuba’s National Assembly, photo: Estudios Revolución

The presence of Cuban women in the country’s political life is crucial, and is evidenced in each session of the National Assembly of People’s Power. The recent legislature, formed last year, is composed of 166 women, representing 55.74 percent. (more…)

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