Cuba Proposes New Bills to Strengthen Links with the Diaspora

By Alejandra Garcia on June 30, 2024 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

More than half a century of blockade against the island and the economic crisis it brings as a consequence -which is worsening with successive White House administrations no matter if they are Democrat or Republican – the main reasons why Cubans emigrate, according to common knowledge here and confirmed by experts. (more…)

Who Pays the Bill?

By Pasqualina Curcio on August 3, 2020

Caracas, Photo: Bill Hackwell

This is the title of OXFAM’s latest report from July 2020. In that report they propose that in order to face the (more…)

US Blockade Cost Cuba More Than $4 Billion in One Year

August 24, 2018

Ceramic factory, photo: Bill Hackwell

Between April 2017 and March 2018, U.S. policy towards Cuba intensified and the economic aggression and siege cost the Caribbean country more than $4.321 billion dollars, (more…)

The Human Carnage from Billionaires Carving Up the Planet to Build Their Empires Is Astounding

By Vijay Prashad on August 16, 2017

Photo: Bill Hackwell

Raoul Peck, the Haitian filmmaker, opens his new film – Der Junge Karl Marx (2017) – in the forests of Prussia. Peasants gather fallen wood. They look cold and hungry. (more…)

Criminalizing Critics of Israel: Congress Considers Sweeping Bills to Fine & Jail Supporters of BDS

July 21, 2017

Photo: Bill Hackwell

U.S. lawmakers are seeking to criminally outlaw support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. (more…)

Obama has Fined 49 Companies Over $14 Billion for Violating the Blockade against Cuba since the “Thaw”

October 6, 2016

Photo: Bill Hackwell

Photo: Bill Hackwell

A total of 49 fines have been imposed, during Barack Obama’s Administration, to US and foreign entities for violating the US Embargo against Cuba according to the records of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Government. (more…)

Miles de personas plantan cara a Netanyahu y a los que hacen la guerra en Washington

Por Bill Hackwell el 24 de Julio 2024 desde Washington, DC

fotos: Bill Hackwell

A pesar de enfrentarse a múltiples cuerpos de policía, llegados desde lugares tan lejanos como Nueva York, y a un Capitolio rodeado de pesadas vallas metálicas para proteger a un criminal de guerra, decenas de miles de decididos partidarios del pueblo palestino, procedentes de todo Estados Unidos, acudieron para decir no a la visita del genocida presidente israelí Benjamin Netanyahu, que estaba siendo recibido con los brazos abiertos por los especuladores de la guerra y la gran mayoría de los representantes demócratas y republicanos en el Congreso. (more…)

United States Spied on Lula for Decades, US Government Documents Reveal

July 20, 2024

Brazilian President Lula da Silva. Photo: X/@BRICSInfo.

US authorities monitored Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for five decades, amassing an enormous amount of data on his political and union activity, with at least 819 documents totaling 3,300 pages. (more…)

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