Resumen Latinoamericano-English Edition welcomes your article submissions. We appreciate it when your article submission adheres to the guidelines outlined below.
Resumen Latinoamericano-English Edition publishes news and analysis regarding Latin America and the US and the relationship between the US and the region. Articles must not be commercial or promote any specific product or service. References of this type will be omitted or reworded in general terms. This policy protects the legitimacy of your article in the eyes of our readership.Length
Article length is important to both us and our readers. We recommend that your article not exceed 1,500 words.Formatting
Your article should be sent as an attachment in Microsoft Word document format. The author’s name should appear only once, on the title page. All links within the article must be verifiable and should be embedded in-line in the text of the article. Never send links as footnotes.Style
We do not require many specifics, but we do strive for correctness and consistency. Please proofread your work prior to submission: check your grammar, spelling, check for typos, etc. The more editing that we must do, the longer it takes for us to publish your work, if we do decide to. If you are submitting on behalf of another party, such submission should include approval from that party for publication at Resumen Latinoamericano-English Edition.Images
Each of our articles has an accompanying picture or graphic. We are dedicated to crediting the photographer or graphic artist whenever possible. While we encourage you to send an image with your article, we reserve the right to either use it or select a different image of our own choosing. Please provide your images as a separate attachment in jpeg format (.jpg). Resumen Latinoamericano-English Edition does not accept any other attachment formats unless the author first communicates directly with the editors.Review process
Please email your article and any image to us at [email protected] with “Article Submission” as the subject field. Our editorial team will review your submission and determine whether it will be selected for publication. Due to the time constraints and the number of submissions we receive, Resumen Latinoamericano-English Edition reserves the right to publish or not publish any submitted article.Copyright
Authors retain full copyright control of their submitted work.
Thank you very much for considering Resumen Latinoamericano-English Edition as a venue for your work. It is greatly appreciated.