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The US Blockade on Cuba is a Violation of Democracy

By Calla Walsh on April 2, 2023

photo: Bill Hackwell

The only criteria to be invited to Biden’s so-called Summit for Democracy last week was to be a lapdog of US imperialism, not to be a real democracy. Instead of uplifting true people’s democracies which have dynamic, mass participation — such as those in Cuba and China — Biden’s summit promoted the overthrow of these governments. (more…)

What If the Protests in France Were in Cuba?

By José Manzaneda on April 3, 2023

Police attacking demonstrators in France. photo: EPA

300 demonstrations with more than three million people, 500 people arrested in a single day. If it were Cuba, Belarus or China… the headlines would be filled with terms such as “social outburst”, “popular uprising”, “repression”, “regime”…. (more…)


By Randy Alonso Falcón on April 3, 2023

illustration: Lisa Larson-Walker/ProPublica

The United States is the realm of paradoxes: the richest country in the world, but with millions in poverty; the nation capable of sending men into space for long months, but unable to ensure rail transit. Recent news reveals many other contradictions in the mighty nation: (more…)

The United Nations is Being Used by the U.S. in its Propaganda War against Nicaragua

By John Perry on April 2, 2023

Nicaraguan protester wielding molotov cocktail in 2018 protests. Source: lavenguardia

While the United States pays little regard to the human rights of many of its own citizens, it manifests intense interest in those of countries that it regards as its enemies. (more…)

The State of Cuba-US Relations: An Interview with Dr. José Ramón Cabañas

By Helen Yaffe on March 31, 2023

photo: Bill Hackwell

In January 2023, Dr José Ramón Cabañas travelled to Britain to talk about his book, US-Cuba Relations: The Inside Story of the 2014 Breakthrough. Dr Cabañas was head of Cuba’s US Interests Section on 17 December 2014, when Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama announced rapprochement and the restoration of diplomatic relations. His new book explains the background and significance of this historic moment in international relations. Helen Yaffe caught up with Cabañas in London. (more…)

Political Crisis in Ecuador: President Guillermo Lasso to Face Impeachment

By Alejandra Garcia on March 30, 2023

Guillermo Lasso

Ecuador is on the way to an impeachment trial against its neo liberal president, Guillermo Lasso. This Wednesday, the Constitutional Court listened to the voice of parliamentarians, workers, Indigenous people, and many other citizens of Ecuador and admitted, in part, the demand for an impeachment trial of the banker turned president, Lasso, for the alleged crime of embezzlement. (more…)

Cuba: The Best Democracy in the Western Hemisphere

By Sergio Ortiz on March 30, 2023

voter views the qualifications of the candidates.
photo: Laura V. Mor

The 11.1 million Cubans have many economic problems, mostly derived from the U.S. blockade criminally imposed 61 years ago. And as they acknowledge, those problems to a lesser extent are the result of mistakes and limitations of their government and of a small portion of their population that, for example, raises prices. (more…)

Peru: How an Attempt to Censor a Report on Human Rights Violations Failed

By Carlos Noriega on March 30, 2023

photo: afp

The right wing tried to prevent the presentation of Amnesty International’s annual report. It did not succeed. A worldwide report that in the case of Peru denounces serious human rights violations -the death of demonstrators by gunshots of the security forces and arbitrary detentions- in the repression of the social protests against the government of Dina Boluarte. (more…)

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