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Brazil: 30 Yanomami Girls Reportedly Pregnant after being Raped by Illegal Miners

February 3, 2023

photo: Ettore Chiereguini / AGIF.

Brazilian authorities have received allegations that at least 30 Yanomami indigenous girls and adolescents have become pregnant in the Amazonian state of Roraima after being raped by illegal miners, who sow terror in Brazil’s largest reserve. (more…)

What’s Driving ‘Irregular’ Cuban Emigration to the United States?

By Helen Yaffe on February 2, 2023

photo: Ricardo Tamayo

In 2022, an unprecedented number of Cubans arrived in the United States through irregular, or ‘illegal’ channels. Historically the United States has encouraged and weaponized Cuban emigration. Cuban migrants fuel US propaganda about the failure of socialism and about political persecution and the lack of freedom and human rights on the island. (more…)

Peru : “Our Demands Are Now Political” – Interview with Lourdes Huanca Atencio

By Elisa Fuenzalida on February 3, 2023

Image: Jero González (Cuzco, Perú)

The peasant uprising in Peru has achieved what seemed impossible: the left and academia have been left speechless. Or at least it seems so, since their analyses have been silenced under the popular Indigenous clamor, which has organized delegations from the four “suyos” of Peru in “The Taking of Lima,” as the march to the capital has been called. (more…)

Ecuador: A Constitutional Referendum Intended to Solidify Control by Elites

By Gustavo A Maranges on February 2, 2023

Lasso pushes new referendum down the throats of the people. photo Dolores Ochoa

On Sunday, February 7, sectional elections will take place in Ecuador to elect mayors, prefects, rural or urban councilors, parish boards, and members of the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS). At the same time, the executive led by Guillermo Lasso heavily pushed to hold a Constitutional Referendum on the same date, which has raised serious concerns among the Ecuadorian opposition. (more…)

Homelessness and other Realities of the American Dream

By José Luis Méndez Méndez on February 2, 2023

photo: Bill Hackwell

More than 95% of the population of the city of Hialeah is of Cuban origin. There is a slogan that seems to be the key that unlocks the city: “Hialeah is more Cuba, it has human warmth. That’s what this country lacks,” say two sales clerks at “Tu Café,” a business that has been open in this Floridian city since the late 1960s. (more…)

Peru: Between Repression and “Signs” from Washington

By Elson Concepción Pérez on February 1, 2023

photo: Prensa Latina

During a whirlwind visit to Washington, the current Peruvian Foreign Minister, Cecilia Gervasi, found a constant among her hosts, the officials of Joe Biden’s administration and the US Congress that there is a “commitment of the United States to support democratic institutions in Peru”. (more…)

Brazil: Democracy at Risk

By Frei Betto on February 1, 2023

President João Goulart, at the Automóvel Clube, on March 30, 1964, the eve of his overthrow.

Let’s not fool ourselves again; our fragile democracy is still at risk. I remember the government of João (Jango) Goulart in the early 1960s and his declarations that he would carry out grassroots reforms. The Ligas Campesinas were lifting up the northeasterners. The unions were ardently defending the rights acquired during the Vargas presidency. The National Union of Students was feared for its power to mobilize the youth. (more…)

Latin America: the Region Most Affected by the Current Food Crisis

By Gustavo A Maranges on January 31, 2023

photo: Bill Hackwell

Today, the high and growing food prices are one of the most worrying issues in the world from families to nations. If 10 years ago, hunger and malnutrition were issues of concern to the international community, today, they are way more urgent than ever before since. They have grown to the point that they are no longer limited to underdeveloped countries, but have also spread to the first world. (more…)

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