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Venezuela’s Election: All CNE Voting Machines Have Been Distributed and Audited

By Larry Marquez on July 22, 2024

Venezuelan electoral experts from the CNE audit voting machines in the pre-dispatch audit held on Sunday. Photo: Ultimas Noticias.

The president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, informed that the authorities of the electoral body have “distributed 100% of the machines for the presidential election,” a task carried out with the presence of witnesses of all political parties participating in the election throughout the national territory, thus complying with the regulations for the upcoming July 28 presidential elections. (more…)

Ignacio Ramonet: “The Attack was like a Gift from Heaven for Trump”

By María José Iglesias on July 20, 2024

Ignacio Ramonet, photo: Bill Hackwell

Although the bullet was “centimeters away” from killing him, “last Saturday’s attack is like a gift from heaven for Donald Trump, as it comes right on time to complete his victimizing story”. This was said yesterday by Ignacio Ramonet writer, journalist and sociologist based in France and a leading figure of the anti-globalization movement, (more…)

ICJ Declares Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territories Illegal

July 20, 2024

The International Court of Justice has ruled, by 14 votes to 1, that Israel must immediately cease all new settlement activities and evacuate all settlers from the occupied Palestinian territories. (more…)

Bolivarian Diplomacy vs. the Monroe Doctrine: A Conversation with Carlos Ron

Interview by Cira Pascual Marquina on July 20, 2024

Carlos Ron is Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs for North America and heads Venezuela’s Simón Bolívar Institute, which promotes peace and solidarity among the world’s peoples. In part one of this interview, we talk to Ron about two opposing worldviews: Bolivarianism versus Monroism. Ron argues that the US doctrine of Monroism has been applied to Venezuela with the aim of toppling its government.

Cuba: The Homeland has Grown

By Miguel Barnet on July 20, 2024

photos: Bill Hackwell

(Speech given at the Cuban the National Assembly of People’s Power, during the discussion of the draft Citizenship Law) (more…)

The World According to TikTok

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on July 18, 2024

The right-wingization of contemporary society does not come out of nowhere. There are multiple variables that model this process, but a forced one points to the new social media that install the society of spectacle at a forced march. Just look at what happened on these platforms after the attack against Trump in Pennsylvania. (more…)

Women in the Cuban Parliament; a Revolution within the Revolution

By Alejandra Garcia on July 18, 2024, from Havana

Women make up over 55% of Cuba’s National Assembly, photo: Estudios Revolución

The presence of Cuban women in the country’s political life is crucial, and is evidenced in each session of the National Assembly of People’s Power. The recent legislature, formed last year, is composed of 166 women, representing 55.74 percent. (more…)

Cuba and Nicaragua: Two Sister Revolutions

By Eduardo Martínez Borbonet on July 19, 2024, the 45th anniversary of the Nicaraguan Revolution

Fidel and Daniel

There are no identical political processes, much less Revolutions, which are conditioned by history and the context in which they develop. However, in Our America there are no two processes with as many similarities as those of Cuba and Nicaragua. (more…)

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