Por Lallan Schoenstein – 16 de junio de 2024, desde Nueva York
El 13 de junio, Yván Gil Pinto, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Venezuela, habló ante una multitudinaria recepción en el Foro del Pueblo de Nueva York. Manolo de los Santos, director ejecutivo del Foro del Pueblo, dio la bienvenida a Pinto y ayudó a enmarcar la conversación con preguntas capciosas. (more…)
An interview with the Director of the Center for Investigations of International Politics (CIPI) José Ramón Cabañas, to the Spanish press outlet El Periódico on June 14, 2024
By Stella Calloni on June 15, 2024
Cuba celebrates the 65th anniversary of the founding of Prensa Latina, the Latin American news agency born in the early days of the triumphant Revolution, on January 1, 1959, which liberated and made the island nation independent, an example of emblematic resistance against a criminal empire, whose heroic people could never be defeated. (more…)
By Becca Renk on June 12, 2024
The Story of Julia Chinamo “I realized when I was nine years old that I liked boys,” Julio Sanchez tells me. Julio is also known by the nickname “Julia Chinamo” and socially as “Nahomy Campbell.” (more…)
By Levi Rickert on June 12, 2024
For the first time in 15 years, Leonard Peltier had a full parole hearing on Monday, June 10 at the United States Penitentiary at Coleman, Florida. Peltier (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe) has been incarcerated for 48 years for the killing of two FBI agents at Oglala on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in June 1975. (more…)
By Alina Perera Robbio on June 12, 2024 from Havana
Good men and women speak a common language; the humanist language. And as they are always immersed in the essential, they assume the borders that the world has as simple administrative lines, as a trace of a map to which they do not pay attention because the suffering or happiness of the human being is for them a unique matter in any corner of the planet; because they are with the human species, not against it. (more…)
By Mi Cuba por Siempre on June 13, 2024
While the international media only report on the arrival of a Russian naval detachment in Cuba, relations between the Russian Federation and Cuba go much further and are getting stronger. (more…)