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US Helped Turn Honduras into a Narco-State; Hold Obama, Trump and Biden Accountable

By Judy Ancel on March 12, 2024

Juan Hernandez, photo: Gustavo Amador – Sipa

Ex-president of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández, popularly known as JOH, was convicted Friday in federal court in New York on drug trafficking and weapons charges. (more…)

Zero Tolerance Against Corruption in Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on March 10, 2024 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

The ousted Cuban Economy Minister, Alejandro Gil Fernandez, is under investigation by the island’s Interior Ministry for making serious mistakes in his previous position. In a statement issued on Friday, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said that, from now on, authorities will initiate corresponding actions for total clarification of these behaviors. The president assured that there would be zero tolerance for corruption on the island. (more…)

The Electoral Show in the Land of Big Brother

By Raúl Capote Fernández on March 10, 2024, from Havana

They say it was the Spanish poet, novelist and philosopher, Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana, who coined the phrase: “The people who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it”; a maxim that seems to acquire an astonishing topicality these days in the USA. (more…)

American Curiosities: Acts against the End

By David Brooks on March 6, 2024

resistance continues to send signals of hope, photo: Bill Hackwell

Seems that everything here is on the brink of disaster, that is the constant narrative in the political arena, in the media, in academia and in the arts. By the way, with the Oscars scheduled for next week, we can see if Oppenheimer wins and remember that the gift of that scientist and his team could soon be back in the hands of the irrational actor Trump in the role of Dr. Strangelove. (more…)

Argentina: Resistance to Milei and his Chainsaw on International Women’s Day

By Dolores Curia on March 9, 2024

We are a wave now but soon we will be a Tsunami, photo: Bill Hackwell

Yesterday I had the good fortune of attending this massive protest that filled the plaza in front of the Argentinian Congress; it was too packed to count. With the setbacks in the standard of living, erosion of rights and growing poverty, since the election of right wing Javier Milei, this  action was a statement to show that a determined fight is on and it is led by women. The demonstration was at least 95% women and LGBTQ people of all ages. It was clear to me that the long struggle to get abortion rights into Argentine law in December 2020 was not about to go backwards just because of the arrival of this reactionary, anti abortion, anti human president. It is a lesson to the people of the US, who recently lost federal protection to abortion rights by a medieval Supreme Court, that a united struggle that stays in the streets and disallows business as usual is essential.– Editor, Resumen in English from Buenos Aires (more…)

Venezuela Begins to Prepare for Presidential Elections

By Alejandra Garcia on March 7, 2024

Chavez – the heart of my country. Photo: Bill Hackwell

Venezuela is beginning the presidential election race as the country marks the passing of Comandante Hugo Chavez. The Venezuelan National Electoral Council issued the announcement on Tuesday, March 5, exactly 11 years after the Venezuelan leader’s death after losing his battle with cancer. (more…)

Biden 2.0 or Trump 2.0? That is the Question

By José R. Cabañas Rodríguez on March 7, 2024

illustration: Jamie Brown

During the current year, a great deal of energy is being invested in trying to predict who will be the winner of the presidential elections next November in the United States, which party will win the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, allowing or not the President to have the necessary support to develop his agenda for the next four years. (more…)

US Wrecks Venezuela’s EMTRASUR Boeing 747 Cargo Jet

By Carlos Eduardo Sanchez on March 2, 2024

Venezuelan  747 cargo jet belonging to Venezuela destroyed at a Florida airport. Photo: X/@AecioEscalante.

Venezuela’s vice minister of anti-blockade policies, William Castillo, condemned the US vandalization of the Venezuelan 747 cargo jet, owned by Conviasa’s EMTRASUR air cargo company, after the theft carried out by the United States in complicity with the government of Javier Milei in Argentina. (more…)

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