Currently Browsing: Africa

There can be no Climate Justice without Social Justice

By Milagros Pichardo on December 3, 2019

“Forests are shrinking, the air is poisoned and rivers polluted. Countless species of plants and animals perish have perished. (more…)

UN:  Drastic Turn Against Climate Change Urgently Needed

By David Brooks, on September 23, 2019

“How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. (more…)

Why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were Incinerated

By Stephen Millies on August 6, 2019

Barack Obama visited Hiroshima on May 27, 2016, the first sitting U.S. president to do so. Obama’s visit to the Japanese city revived the question of whether killing (more…)

Eternal Gratitude for Cuban Blood Shed to win Angola’s Independence

July 4, 2019

Cuba contributed decisively to the liberation of Angola

As part of his official visit to the island, Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço met with Cuban combatants who fought in his country’s independence (more…)

Call for Global Action, La Via Campesina

April 17, 2019

This April 17th – the International Day of Peasant Struggle – with our living memory and rebellion inherited from our 19 landless comrades murdered with impunity in the Eldorado do Carajás Massacre in Brazil, (more…)

Cuba is Making Every Effort to Secure the Safe Return of Two Kidnapped Doctors

Assel Herrera and Landy Rodríguez. Photo: Internet

“Cuba is working tirelessly for the safe return of Assel (Herrera) and Landy (Rodríguez), our doctors abducted in Kenya,” stated Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba’s Councils of State and Ministers, (more…)

John Bolton Wants to Protect Africa from ‘Predatory’ Chinese Behavior. What About Washington’s?

By Netfa Freeman, December 21, 2018

John Bolton’s recent unveiling of the Trump Administration’s “Prosper Africa” plan did what is typical of such U.S. foreign policy announcements. It performed the balancing act of admitting motives to protect vague “U.S. interests” while dishonestly claiming (more…)

Peasants’ Rights Declaration Presented before the UN General Assembly

October 26, 2018

MST School, Brazil. Photo: Bill Hackwell

The “UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas” was presented in the UN headquarters to the Third Committee of the General Assembly on 25th October. (more…)

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