Currently Browsing: Africa

The WTO, One of the Two Largest Criminal Organizations at the Global Level. The Other is NATO

By Atilio Borón on December 12, 2017

In this note we will take care of the first one, given that in these days the summit meeting of that organization is being held in Buenos Aires. (more…)

Clearing the Smoke and Mirrors Around Zimbabwe

By Netfa Freeman on November 27, 2017

Reasons for examining what is happening in Zimbabwe are many but few to none can be found in accounts by major news media or from liberal progressive pundits. (more…)

West Eyes Recolonization of Africa by Endless War; Removing Gaddafi was just the First Step

Dan Glazebrook on October 20, 2017

Exactly six years ago, on October 20th, 2011, Muammar Gaddafi was murdered, joining a long list of African revolutionaries martyred by the West for daring to dream of continental independence. (more…)

Good Men Should Not be Quiet Spectators when it comes to Sexual Assault

By Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women on October 20, 2017

The pain and anger of more than a million people who tweeted #MeToo in the last week have crowded social media with personal stories of sexual harassment or assault. (more…)

Why is the US at War in West Africa?

By Eddie Haywood on October 14, 2017

The October 4 killings of four US Green Berets in Niger has provided a rare glimpse into the far-reaching American military operations throughout the African continent which have been conducted almost entirely in secret. (more…)

New Report Shows Corporations and Western Governments Continue to Profit from Looting of Africa

By Ben Dangl on June 5, 2017

A recent report published by a coalition of African and British social justice organizations lays bare the truth that foreign corporations and wealthy governments continue to profit from the looting of the world’s most impoverished continent. (more…)

Amilcar Cabral’s Revolutionary Anti-Colonialist Ideas

The writings of revolutionary leader Amilcar Cabral provide key insights on the importance of culture in the contemporary struggle against neoliberalism. (more…)

Obama’s Legacy in Africa: Terrorism, Civil War & Military Expansion

By Eric Draitser on January 26, 2017

The corporate media is predictably churning out nauseating retrospectives of Obama’s presidency, gently soothing Americans to sleep with fairy tales about the progressive accomplishments of President Hope and Change. (more…)

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