By Pasqualina Curcio on June 7, 2021
It is not by chance that we have recently heard rulers and UN spokespersons tirelessly referring to the Welfare State and the need for a new “social contract”. They frame this discourse in the post-pandemic world and in what they have called “a new normal”. It is not that it is fashionable to talk about the “Welfare State” and that is why they repeat it, no, they are following a line, a decision, that comes, no more and no less, from the no more than 1,000 great billionaires and world leaders who annually meet at the Davos Economic Forum. (more…)
By Marc Vandepitte on June 8, 2021
A remarkable finding that of all countries of the Americas the ones that are hit by heavy economic sanctions imposed by the US are doing much better in the fight against COVID-19. One thing for sure is that the pandemic has exposed the crisis of the neoliberal and capitalist model. (more…)
We have learned to our disgust that a small group of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) servile to Washington have placed an item on the agenda of the next plenary session of the European Parliament on June 8 regarding the “Political Situation and Human Rights in Cuba”. (more…)
By Pedro Santana Rodríguez on May 20, 2021
The protests in Colombia have continued for 23 days in the midst of brutal repression that has resulted in more than 50 demonstrators killed, according to the non-governmental organization INDEPAZ (Instituto de Estudios Para el Desarrollo y La Paz / The Institute of Studies for Development and Peace), as of May 18, 2021. (more…)
By Alejandra Garcia on May 16, 2021 from Havana
Photo: Miguel Rubiera Justiz /ACN
In March, social organizations, political leaders, and solidarity movements launched a fundraising campaign to send syringes to Cuba. The world wants to support the vaccination process of this small nation, which has done so much to fight COVID-19 beyond its geography. (more…)
By Elsa Claro on April 22, 2021
Whenever the United States accuses other countries of spying on them, they hide or justify their extensive world-wide network dedicated to finding out movements, their military installations, and their destabilizing operatives who focus on countries and entire regions. (more…)
By Luis Britto García on April 24, 2021
Every technological advance gives rise to a utopian dream and a dystopian nightmare. The invention of the Internet around 1990 generated enthusiastic expectations. Its very beginning was utopian. Its creator, Tim Berners-Lee, refused to register the patents that would have made him a billionaire, in order to make the Internet available to humanity. (more…)
By Boaventura de Sousa Santos, on April 9, 2021
There is some consensus that the current pandemic will remain with us for a long time. We are going to enter a period of intermittent pandemics (more…)