By Ricardo Vaz on December 7, 2017
Almost three years have passed since Saudi Arabia announced it was intervening militarily, with its allies, in Yemen, to remove the Houthis (officially called Ansar Allah) from power after they had taken over the capital. (more…)
International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity on December 7, 2017
Once again the United States has violated the mandate of the UN, the multiple resolutions issued for more than six decades, the right of the heroic Palestinian people and International Law, (more…)
By Jonathan Cook on December 1, 2017
A ban by Israel on herding black goats – on the pretext they cause environmental damage – is to be repealed after nearly seven decades of enforcement that has decimated the pastoral traditions of Palestinian communities. (more…)
By Vijay Prashad on November 22, 2017
The horrendous slave trade in Libya that the world is now waking up to is a direct result of the dismemberment of Libya in 2011 by the U.S. / NATO air war. (more…)
By Vijay Prashad on November 15, 2017
What ails the royal court of Saudi Arabia? The Crown Prince—Mohammed Bin Salman—has arrested 11 rich and powerful princes and about 200 businessmen. These men of great wealth and might are being held in the Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh. (more…)
By Susan Dirgham on November 10, 2017
The book Dear World: A Syrian Girl’s Story of War and Plea for Peace was published in October 2017. It is purportedly written by a Syrian girl, Bana Alabed, with the help of her mother and an editor. (more…)
By Stephen Gowans on November 7, 2017
In October, 2016, two Reuters’ reporters published an exclusive, under the headline: “As Saudis bombed Yemen, U.S. worried about legal blowback.” (more…)
By Jonathan Cook on November 2, 2017
The oldest physical footprint left by the 100-year-old Balfour Declaration in what is today Israel is visible from my home in Nazareth. From my vantage point on a ridge above the Jezreel Valley, (more…)