Currently Browsing: Middle East

‘Entirely Preventable’: Aid Agencies Blame Economic Blockade of Yemen for Cholera Outbreak

May 15, 2017

Calling the situation “catastrophic,” Dominik Stillhart, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Director of Operations, told RT from Yemen that with 11,000 confirmed cases the hospitals he personally visited in the capital, (more…)

No Sanctuary for Palestinian Scholarship

Despite heavily financed Zionist opposition, support for the Palestinian prisoner hunger strike and the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel continues to grow on university campuses in the U.S. Here is an example of that struggle at San Francisco State University.

By Diana Block on May 10, 2017

Edward Said mural at SFSU. Lead Artists: Fayeq Oweis and Susan Greene.

At a March 2017 conference of the National Association of Ethnic Studies held at San Francisco State University (SFSU), President Leslie Wong boasted about the University’s role as a sanctuary campus. (more…)

Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike Enters its 29th Day as International Solidarity Grows

May 15, 2017

Classic Palestinian Poster

As Palestinians and their supporters around the world mark the 69th anniversary of the Nakba, the catastrophe of the occupation of Palestine and the forced displacement of over 750,000 Palestinian refugees from their homes, (more…)

Democracy Now Runs Interference for Imperialism in Syria

By Daniel Haiphong on May 12, 2017

One of the most peculiar features of the United States is the presence of a rabidly pro-war leftism that poses as “independent” politics. (more…)

How did al-Qaeda Know in Advance about the Syrian Air Strike?

By Paul Larudee on April 21st, 2017

There is an anomaly among the evidence that the Syrian chemical weapons attack at Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province on April 4, 2017 was a “false flag” operation, designed to provoke a US attack on Syria. (more…)

Midnight Approaching over Syria?

By Eresh Omar Jamal on April 23, 2017

To the elation of the western corporate media, Neocons like John McCain and Democons like Hillary Clinton – who had only just called for Trump to attack Syria 24 hours before he obliged – (more…)

Destroying Palestinian Agriculture? Israeli Planes Spray Herbicides Inside Gaza for Fourth Time This Year

By Natasha Roth on April 17, 2017


Israeli planes sprayed herbicides inside the Gaza Strip for the second day running on Wednesday and the fourth time this year, according to local farmers and Israeli rights NGO Gisha. (more…)

We Need Better and More Diverse Coverage on Syria

By Veterans for Peace Chapter 162 on April 15th, 2017

Dear Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!

We are a group of military veterans who are hoping NOT to be blown off the face of this planet in a nuclear exchange precipitated by events in Syria. (more…)

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