La Alianza Negra por la Paz se solidariza con los pueblos y naciones de “Nuestra América” contra el Estado mafioso de EE.UU. 

enero 27, 2025

La Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) se solidariza con los pueblos y naciones de “Nuestra América” contra las acciones mafiosas de EE.UU., especialmente las tácticas de intimidación pública del nuevo régimen hacia los estados soberanos. (more…)

The Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity With the Peoples and Nations of “Our Americas” Against the U.S. Gangster State

January 27, 2025

 1901 political cartoon depicts an Uncle Sam rooster with European roosters in the Monroe Doctrine coop.  Courtesy: Getty Images

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) stands in solidarity with the peoples and nations of “Our Americas” against U.S gangster actions – especially the new regime’s public bullying tactics towards sovereign states. (more…)

Trump’s Executive Orders – The Return of Cold War Repression

By David Bacon on January 29, 2025

Civil rights icon Rev. Phil Lawson speaks against deportations with people of faith hold a vigil outside the Richmond CA Detention Center, where immigrants are incarcerated before being deported, not long after the election of Donald Trump as he promised to deport millions of people if elected in 2016. Lawson passed on January 28 at 92. Photo: David Bacon

In 1950, Nevada Democratic Senator Pat McCarran said he wanted to save the United States from communism and “Jewish interests.”  His solution was passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, known as the McCarran Walter Act (MWA), and its complement, the Internal Security Act of 1950 (also known, confusingly, as the McCarran Act). (more…)

Ignacio Ramonet: “Information and Truth are in Crisis”

By Yilena Hector Rodriguez and Claudia Fonseca Sosa on January 29, 2025 from Havana

Ignacio Ramonet, Photo: Enrique González (Enro)

“We are living in a post-media society. Witnessing the end of the masses,” said the journalist and doctor of social sciences Ignacio Ramomet, speaking this Wednesday at the 6th International Conference for World Balance, which is meeting this week at the Palacio de las Convenciones. (more…)

Guantanamo: A Prison for “Illegals” on an Illegal Base on Foreign Soil

By Leidys Maria Labrador Herrera on January 30, 2025

US prison in Guantanamo, photo: Bill Hackwell

“In an act of brutality, the new US government has announced the imprisonment at the Naval Base in Guantánamo, located in illegally occupied Cuban territory, of thousands of migrants that it is forcibly expelling, who will be placed alongside the well-known prisons of torture and illegal detention.” (more…)

The Trump Paradox

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on January 30, 2025


The danger of trusting the CIA, said Brazilian politician Leonel Brizola, is that as the years go by, the agency opens its files and “everything rotten comes to light”. The prediction that new skeletons will come out of the closet of US politics has been on the rise since Donald Trump decided to publish the still classified documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK). (more…)

Solidarity Movements with Cuba Denounce Imperialism at the 6th International Conference for World Balance

By Yaimi Ravelo on January 29, 2025 from Havana

Graciela Ramirez at the 6th International conference for the Balance of the World. photos: Yaimi Ravelo

Today at the first day of sessions of the 6th International Conference for the Balance of the World entitled “With all and for the good of all,” the solidarity movements with Cuba denounced the unpunished crimes of imperialism against the peoples of Cuba and Palestine. (more…)

US Media Promotes Military Intervention in Venezuela

By Francisco Dominguez and Roger D. Harris on January 25, 2025

Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela

 The New York Times, the so-called US “newspaper of record,” carried an opinion piece by one of its columnists promoting “military intervention” to promote “democracy” by overturning the democratically elected government of Venezuela. (more…)

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