Cuba Faces New Fuel Shortage Contingency

By Alejandra Garcia on April 18, 2023 from Havana

photo: Ismael Batista Ramírez

These days Cuba is facing a new fuel supply crisis that affects the national transportation system, both for private and public vehicles. (more…)

Cuba: 62 Years of Socialism

By Alejandra Garcia on April 16, 2023 from Havana

Fidel announces the socialist nature of the Cuban Revolution.

Cubans who lived through the first years of the Revolution, remember April 16, 1961 as if it were yesterday. On that day, the corner of 23rd and 12th streets, in the capital’s Vedado district, was filled with thousands of people, combatants of the 148th battalion of the National Revolutionary Militias, guerrillas, and leaders of the new-born social process. (more…)

Paraguay’s Indigenous Communities Demand More Rights Ahead of Elections

By Alejandra Garcia on April 10, 2023

Maria Luisa Duarte, photo: Wikicommons

On April 30, Paraguay will go to the polls to elect the country’s new president in a process marked by a lack of debate and the absence of urgent proposals such as free access to education, more rights for Indigenous people, and the right to their land for example. (more…)

Matanzas is in Cuba’s Thoughts After Deadly Accident in Thermoelectric Plant

By Alejandra Garcia on April 9, 2023 from Havana

Rescuer at the Antonio Guiteras CTE Photo: Raúl Navarro González

The eyes and thoughts of Cuba have been on Matanzas since April 7, when a chimney tower of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric power plant partially collapsed, leaving four people trapped in the rubble. Two of them did not make it out alive. (more…)

Cuba Strikes Back and Wins Lawsuit against Vulture Fund in London

By Alejandra Garcia on April 4, 2023

Today Cuba won an important legal victory against a vulture fund that sought to take advantage of the Caribbean island. The High Court of England and Wales of London ruled that the vulture fund CRF I is not a creditor of the Cuban State, (more…)

Political Crisis in Ecuador: President Guillermo Lasso to Face Impeachment

By Alejandra Garcia on March 30, 2023

Guillermo Lasso

Ecuador is on the way to an impeachment trial against its neo liberal president, Guillermo Lasso. This Wednesday, the Constitutional Court listened to the voice of parliamentarians, workers, Indigenous people, and many other citizens of Ecuador and admitted, in part, the demand for an impeachment trial of the banker turned president, Lasso, for the alleged crime of embezzlement. (more…)

Cuba Reaffirms Its Democracy With High Turnout in Congressional Elections

By Alejandra Garcia on March 27, 2023 in Havana

Yesterday Cuba lived a historic day during the national elections to vote for the new members of the tenth legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power, the highest legislative power in the country. (more…)

WBC 2023: Cuba Shined Despite the Hatred

By Alejandra Garcia on March 23, 2023 from Havana

The Cuban people welcome Team Asere home. Photo: Ismael Francisco

The World Baseball Classic (WBC) between Cuba and the United States was hard to watch. We knew it would be a tough game to win, but for the first time in 17 years, the island was back in the semifinals, among the top four national teams in the world. (more…)

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